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I hate those. If I play another one that isnt half life *cough* ie with a good story line, I will shoot myself in the foot.

next person thinks sci fi/horrer needs to be banned.
yes, if GW is considered a sport :D, no i play a little of everything

NP. doesnt like elona (dont worry NF is awsome!)
I like it a lot. I'm enjoying the openness of it. Much better compared to Factions' cramped cities and forests.

Next person wants a lion pet.
neg, i dislike rangers
np wants the emo bird


accualy i dont want any new pet (cept mabey a hippo :)) i like my meladuru stalker from pre searing :) GO SIMBA!

np. knows how to get from Cantha/Kyrta to Elona
Can't right now, gotta wait till Oct. 27. Most likely it's a quest at Kaineng/LA, much like it was for Cantha->Tyria (and vice versa) travel.

NP thinks I'm ub3r.

Why, you ask? :confused:

Why not? :cool:
shocked at how our world is taking shape...more shocked at how some people can be so rude...shocked that a teacher can actually call a child 'stupid'....i'm outraged right now, i'm totally shocked that this school allows such a thing to happen :(

next person really enjoyed kindergarten, when life was simple...
"Draw," not really, but what I wouldn't give for a copy of Photoshop on this PC at work...
Maybe once we upgrade them, I can get a copy from the main computer lab...
Then I can slack off even more during work! Yay! :D :p :cool:

Next person likes slacking off.
no, but I have ready access to alcohol and choose not to partake, being a introvert makes things easy :P

next person enjoys watching dredd run in circles trying to get a group together for pvp.
Umm.. i dont think he is running in circles, looks like to me he has things pretty well figured out.

Next person likes to watch lightning storms.
I love it when about 25 of them or so lose power, BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP.......BEEP BEEP BEEP..... BEEP BEEP BEEP

next person is glad they dont have one.