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No, I think that vibro needs to work harder at thinking about something else and needs to dedicate less energy to the whole subject.

Next person doesn't care about what console does what or what OS to use on a PC. It's all just expensive wot and wot to them...
not really because owning different systems to play different games is not a solution. I am not going to buy another console for probably 1-2 years :P

next person thinks that the whole industry doesnt have a clue what consumers really want.
could be.....

but a lot of games today come out on multiple systems....

the next person still enjoys playing old fashioned mario bros.
no, actually I'm not...pointless things seem to be dragged out forever!!!

the next person knows all the secrets in mario bros 3
definately - after being rear ended three times - i am a nervous wreck in the car...i'd ride the bike anyday...only problem is that living in this city - it wouldn't be very safe on a bike either.......

next person likes rollerblading...
Yes i would, if i had sidewalks where i live (old assphalt doesnt make a smooth ride)

NP. will just spam something (C$!!!!!)