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np knows what the true meaning of RIOT stands for
yes i do know what it means -- Things I Must Experience

next person knows what notw stands for since nobody has figured it out yet;)
yes i do know what it means -- Things I Must Experience

next person knows what notw stands for since nobody has figured it out yet;)
Nope! i must have skipped that post :D

N.P thinks that if you give a mouse a cookie, he'll comeback with more mice and ask for more cookies, then you'll run out of cookies, then you'll having to pay money to buy cookies, but then the mice comeback, thus creating a never ending paradox of COOKIE MADNESS!
lol...nope...i tend not to feed furry little rodents that just happen to show up...

ok, the next person knows what NOTW stands for.

the next person was right in guessing Rightious invasion of truth
is it wrong to be more afriad of chuck norris?

the next person doesnt know

Next person thinks I should be paying attention in class rather than posting this. (Not that I'm going to anyway... :p )
Agreed. So that's why you're not talking on Xfire.

Next person is glad that therye home for the rest of the day.
what is osx? what is linux? i guess i have to say no since i don't know;)

the next person will be getting on to play guild wars sometime very soon!!!!