Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

Wrong. I don't "do" conventions.

1. I generally don't dress up as my favorite virtual hero or whatever :P
2. too many trekkies

Next person agrees...
Halonic should go to a *con as his monk, loincloth and orange tatoos :P

as long as dredd doesnt go as his ranger...

next person would consider going to a con but thinks the whole idea is rather silly.
he he, pretty much. I do so anyway. Just not the dress-up-and-replicate-the-siege-of-Minas-Tirith or type nerd thing.

next person is wondering what to post about the next person, as I am
ugh I no likey t3h h4m

Next person hates it when you run people for tips and the three whole tips are in increments of 30 gold each
yes, well its better than someone giving you verbal "rest 30 min before swimming"

Next person has a parrot named fred.

Next person finds slalom's statement "yes, well its better than someone giving you verbal "rest 30 min before swimming" to be hilarious (did that really happen?)
Ya i guess that was kinda funny.

And it didnt happen but that would be halirous if someone did it, not to mention mean. Usually i just run guildies/alliance for fweeee.

N.P is wondering why C$ has posted every other post on this page.

the next person knows what "gl hf dd" stands for
Wrong I was there and we were 10 seconds from winning :( so CLOSE!

NP wishes they were with us for PvP
err, sorta, I dont want to spend the time rebuilding an account..

maybe I will start with the new expansion,

next person wishes everyone would talk in ts. A good headset is best, alot of people try to use the little peg things that come with their computer. It is a mess trying to play a game and talk while holding a mic...