Fun with Webcams!

hahah ive got a "recent" pic of me... it was taken in mid February...

all the pages I had to dig through to get that!! yeah I love gimp

I'm kinda like Ali when Cosell asked him if he was truculent. He said "I don't know what that means but if its good thats what I am."
wait till i dye my hair silver this summer :D then I will look more like him... *laughs* cept my g/f will cut my hair if i tried to get it that long

lol, im guessing she wears the pants in the relationship :p
Hahah no i just respect my g/f, and she wants me to look hot... plus she cuts my hair too lol and.... C$.... my Paragon is female.... cause the males look..... Um.... Confused.
hahah yea, well when you do get one, let her do your hair how she likes.... if she likes it and you don't, learn to like it anyway
hahah yea, well when you do get one, let her do your hair how she likes.... if she likes it and you don't, learn to like it anyway

anything's better than what I have right now. I wish I hadn't gotten like an inch taken off a while ago because it was really cool in the front it just tends to stick out everywhere in the back like a big bush or something so I always get it thinned out...
well that's like the stage right before t3h cutz. that's just when it gets really bad and it takes 4 cans of mousse' and 3 cans of hairspray to tame.