Fun with Webcams!

Fine, here's a new one. It's from on the ay back from Mississippi.


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Stc95 said:
i've seen that before
I would post some more but Im too lazy to make 1/4 size thumbs so people on 56k dont die. So instead you can view my entire gallery that I have done so far in my footer. sigh, I need to make some more...
Thrawn said:
Oh, and Dea, that would be after we got back and I was transferring all the pics off the camera...
Yeah, that would be how I found out Paul took a pic of me napping with my best friend's new kitten...
here are some of me while I was playing with my new macbook on my way to FSU.


you never get bored with a mac, there soo much stuff to do with it out of the box :P
Julian is in the black shrit next to one of our friends named Destiny she is in the blue shirt David is in a red shirt im in a brown shirt and Stephen is doing a thumbs up
Yay! Now we've seen the whole family. Or at least the ones who game with the guild.
I don't know, you look kinda out of it in the second one. :p
Hmmm...second may be manipulated.

Vibro, you look younger than I expected! (But who am I to talk?)