For the Guys.....

well Han Solo was a scoundrel and Princess Leia still married him.


EXACTLY why I used that word--thank you for picking up on the reference. If we'll all recall the lines:

"I happen to like nice men!"
"I'm a nice man."
"No, you're not, you're--"
"Sir! Sir! I've isolated the reverse power-flux coupling!!"

Now, does any of that hit close to home to anyone?

ahh gotta love 3PO

heres another good one
"Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!"

hehe love that one!
Wow I need to catch up on my post reading. We have had a bug floating around our family and being sick is eating up my time.

Rho is a very nice guy and fun to be with. I have always liked nice guys and get frustrated with girls and guys I know that don't go into relationships with there brain turned on.(Yes, that is most people I know) This is what I am thinking when they are talking

"He's gorgeous" ( He going to have lots of opportunities to cheat on you)

"She's beautiful" ( she spends 2 hours everyday in the bathroom and will max out your credit cards in 3 months flat)


As far as waisting your time on a BF/GF goes I think having lost of friends of both genders is the best plan. Most people when dating are fake, trying to get you to like them. Be friends and when the right person for you shows up you will have the foundation of friendship to build a romance on and not a mask covering up a waist land of broken heart pieces

Kel Queen of all Europe

PS I was so not a consolation prize. I am the best thing to ever happen to Rho short of his adoption into God's family :D
wow! me and twinny are the same! same height, same......apparent lack of weight! T3H TW1NNYN355 CONTINU35!!!!!!!!

7\/\/1|\||\|`/|\|355 |=7\/\/!!!

As far as waisting your time on a BF/GF goes I think having lost of friends of both genders is the best plan.

That's how it is here for me :D

Am I obligated to get my friends that are girls stuff for valentine's day? I hope not, cuz I haven't. :P

Soccer FTW!

hehe, got off work early, and managed to clean up the apartment a bit and light some candles before the wife got home. oh, yeah.

anyway.... we're going to a dinner Theatre Saturday, but i'm still thinking of something to do either today or tomorrow. we'll see how that goes....