For the Guys.....

Looks like my mom and sister will be the only ones getting roses this year. Single FTW.
So many nice guys in this guild! I can't understand why you're all single! Seriously. Nice guys are hard to find!

Actually, I bought my mom a V-Day gift. She's divorced. But I bet SHE will get more gifts than I do: she is a grocery store cashier, and she got gifts from about two dozen customers for Christmas! One customer gave her fifty dollars...
lol, the only thing to top my valentine's day gift will be the birthday present...if you want more info, PM me...
Ya seems like being a nice guy doesnt get you very far anymore, people like to take advantage of nice people nowadays.

yep! which is why, for now, i am happy to not be with anyone cause i know i wont take advantage of myself... maybe.. wait.. uh-oh *runs to therapist*:D
I have had a friend get dumped because He was too nice :(. That was the reason she told me 2 years after they broke up. It is sad.......
Well there's real nice and fake nice. Alot of people down here (especially girls, no offense) act nice, but just for show and with some evil intent hidden behind their smile. Then there's people like my old roommate who just gratuated and is now a youth pastor in South Carolina who are so nice and happy alllllll the time, it's almost awkward and unbelievable, but it's with complete integrity...


PS- But yeah, nice guys finish last... sad but true.
So, I'm what? A consolation prize? How about Kel?

I never said that. I do believe that nice guys often have to wait before that perfect "someone" comes along; however... how much more perfect is she after the wait? ;)


Or maybe Rho and dorkelf are just scoundrels...

I don't think they gotta wait sometimes. I can think of 4 relationships off the top of my head where the nice guy got the girl in his freshman/sophomore year of high school and they got married.

Me and one of my friends decided that we will be valentines if we don't have valentines by then. Beats my ex gf and her psycho running me over tendancies. RUNNN!!!!
MM they Finish Last but the finish Best is what I am hoping for. So that is a Compliment to you and Kel. :P
yeah, i could have a gf. i am a nice guy (short temper for stupidity, but nice) i just i dont know. i mean, is it worth it? people take advantage of me alot, and its kind of tiring. my friend is jealous of me, i told him a certain story about a mall experience (pm for more deatials). i could easily have a gf, i know.......4 maybe 5 girls that like me. i'm just not sure. and it does seem to be becoming a sad fact that the nice guy is now an outcast. it seems the only way to be cool is to cuss or do other stupid things, and that is why i am still considered a nerd. i do agree w/ Chadley in that there is REAL nice and then fake nice. i keep on finding that HS girls are secretly malicious, and you know its true. not in all cases i want to clarify (before MM slaps all the way from georgia) but most, and i just dont know if its worth it. WELL! Have fun on V-day!
yeah, i could have a gf. i am a nice guy (short temper for stupidity, but nice) i just i dont know. i mean, is it worth it? people take advantage of me alot, and its kind of tiring. my friend is jealous of me, i told him a certain story about a mall experience (pm for more deatials). i could easily have a gf, i know.......4 maybe 5 girls that like me. i'm just not sure. and it does seem to be becoming a sad fact that the nice guy is now an outcast. it seems the only way to be cool is to cuss or do other stupid things, and that is why i am still considered a nerd. i do agree w/ Chadley in that there is REAL nice and then fake nice. i keep on finding that HS girls are secretly malicious, and you know its true. not in all cases i want to clarify (before MM slaps all the way from georgia) but most, and i just dont know if its worth it. WELL! Have fun on V-day!

My opinion on the whole subject of the opposite sex would happen to be that you really shouldn't waste (yes waste) your time on them until you are spending your time on the person you are going to marry. :cool:
Ya know I'm introverted, VERY introverted. I go to class and then I come back to my apartment and spend the rest of the day there until the next day that I go out to go to class. Most of my friends just come over to my apartment and we all hang there cause we have an uber sweet setup. Anyway one of my best friends whom I had a thing for but am doing well to get over, opened my eyes to a few things. I've come to find out that the reasons I am so introverted are incorrect self perspectives. I don't wanna sound like a jerk or anything but she has shown me that I have a lot going for me, I'm not as ugly as I used to think I was, she's helped me to realize my insecurities and face them. Anyhow, guys my advice to you is this; if you're insecure, cut it out, each and every one of you will be quite a catch some day. Despite the way it may seem now, you all are the finest group of gentlemen and ladies I know. You all are so real. I have faith that you will all find someone who is just so amazing if you haven't already.

Guys, I used to think that it was very easy to waste time on a girl who may not be 'the one'. But you know what? As of my most recent experiences with girls, I have come to realize that there is no such thing as wasting your time on a girl. I've spent the past 5 months on a girl who didn't share my feelings. But even though it might hurt, and it does; It was 100% worth it. Chock it up to experience and move on boys cause the failures we make today are the failures we avoid when we're with that one person who really matters. Believe it or not, some of the time when she doesn't return your feelings, theres a chance it may be because she thinks you're too good for her, that she doesn't deserve you. Don't ever think they're a waste of time.

Nice Guys do finish last, but you know what they say; Save the best for last :) .
i'm working on Valentine's Day. my first real Valentine's Day, and i'm working.

Boo on Wal-Mart. glad i won't be working there much longer.
i'm working on Valentine's Day. my first real Valentine's Day, and i'm working.

Boo on Wal-Mart. glad i won't be working there much longer.

I think a lot worse things could've been done. All I care about are the REAL holidays validating a day off. (think of it this way: you don't get your birthday off either, and that should count since you get a bunch of cake and free stuff, somewhat similar to Christmas only without the celebration of the birth of Christ)

Anyhow, guys my advice to you is this; if you're insecure, cut it out, each and every one of you will be quite a catch some day

WILL BE? You ain't seen nothin' yet. *cracks knuckles and acts "cool"*

its not that im insecure, its just that.........well, and this is a phrase i wont say often, i dont know. the last time really hurt and what was worse was how my friends were shoving me onward, like 2 months is a long time to recovery. it was a real relationship, it was 2 years long. you cant just get over someone after that in 2 months! so i feel that if i do go back out there, they will have one (i am EXTREMLY STUBBORN!). plus i just dont like anyone right now. it drives my bother insane, he knows about 3 girls that like me but he doesnt understand why i dont go out w/ them. plus im kinda shy, unless your a fellow gamer. lots of people dont know this side of me, they only the quiet, blond, smart kid in all of my classes. so............idk.
Don't feel pressured that you "should" have a girlfriend or something. I've got what, 3 or 4 friends that are girls and it's peachy just how it is at that level. Besides, like some CGA member whose name I forgot since it was a long time ago, "you remember your good friends you had a lot better than the people you went out with".