Far Cry 3


well guys I've been playing the new far cry(rented it from redbox) and just gonna warn anyone interested in playing it. I'm about half way through from what I've heard from my friends and there has already been a scene of frontal nudity and so much cussing its been unbearable to play. I love the free roam of it but the unnecessary stuff the developers put in is annoying I've been trying to beat it hoping it will get better. wish I would have fully looked at the rating so its all on me but just want to let anyone considering playing it that there is some content in it that u deff don't want kids seeing/hearing etc.
well guys I've been playing the new far cry(rented it from redbox) and just gonna warn anyone interested in playing it. I'm about half way through from what I've heard from my friends and there has already been a scene of frontal nudity and so much cussing its been unbearable to play. I love the free roam of it but the unnecessary stuff the developers put in is annoying I've been trying to beat it hoping it will get better. wish I would have fully looked at the rating so its all on me but just want to let anyone considering playing it that there is some content in it that u deff don't want kids seeing/hearing etc.

Thanks for the heads up. I see far to many Christians post gushing about a game without first looking and stating the moral aspects. That said there are slim pickings in the mature (in the correct sense of the word) but moral game market today so don't feel to bad. It's really easy to end up with a game you don't feel quite right about XD.
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well I just think its sad that they have to add that stuff in it doesn't make the story only breaks it for people who don't want to hear the F-bomb every 5 seconds luckily I bought a headset where I can add an aux input and plug my phone in and listen to music so I just throw on some Pandora and run around completing the fun side missions such as hunting animals etc other then the cussing and nudity its a fun game and kinda revolutionary for an fps. it challenges ur mind with how to take over an area without being seen or caught, or do u just want to go hard and rush in guns blazing.
Thanks. I've been looking at Farcry 3 because of the way it plays but with what you stated about it I definitely won't be picking it up. After 11 years in the military I have enough trouble controlling my tongue. I don't need anything planting extra seeds.

Does anyone know if farcry 2 has this same issue?
well bud I played the first mission of far cry 2 and didnt play it again well it was mostly bc I was so into halo 3 at the time but I don't remember much about it so I can't give it a review I just wish Ubisoft would have done one of the only things call of dutys done good with there games which is the ability to turn off offensive language and make it friendly for people who don't want all that stuff. but its really getting hard to find games that are good like fallout 3 was super good then New Vegas came along and added strip clubs and a bunch more bad language. I'm hoping fallout 4 will return to the former fallout games. bethesda makes good games I don't know y they end up putting a lot of stupid stuff in there games when other titles they make are super good and not filled with garbage.
My Far Cry 3 experience:

Had a free Redbox rental code. Rented Far Cry 3 for PS3. Played opening sequence. Disgusted by the content (violence, language, cruelty, etc.). Nearly threw the game back in the case right then. Played 10-15 minutes of the "tutorial" phase. Discouraged that a seemingly well-designed game is completely ruined by hyper-violence and grossly excessive profanity.

Returned game to Redbox. Crossed Far Cry 3 off PC wish list.

There are too many great games and too little time to waste on content that's so offensive. Yes, I'm aware that the Far Cry series is about losing one's humanity, Heart of Darkness, so on and so forth, but there was no question as to whether I wanted to tolerate what amounts to torture porn for well-designed gameplay.
exactly it would have been so much better if they would have left out the excessive cussing the 2 sex scenes or cinematics what ever u want to call it. but to kinda give a further review I beat the game last night.
the free roam is fun and there is a lot of cool things to find in loot chest.
hunting animals is also fun with the side missions and to just improve your holsters, loot sacks, etc
there is a lot of gun customization and guns to unlock
the missions as a story is fun and sometimes challenging, and its fun to try new ways to take over strongholds( I decided to take over one knifing only which has hard but rewarding)
the excessive cussing just ruins the gameplay as long as the storyline
2 useless cut scenes of nudity that was kinda annoying bc u can't skip em
the use of drugs
the excessive gruesome behavior of the NPC baddies(implied rape(heterosexual and homosexual), beatings of villagers, mass killings of innocent civi's. etc

well that's kind of an over view, but to give kind of a spoiler at the end of the game u have a choice save ur friends or stay with the villagers u helped out, I chose to stay so I can explore the island more at least that's what I was assuming would happen. but then there is the end cinematic based on what u choose. well the cinamatic made me super mad, mad enough to want to change my choice and regret every thing I had done except help my friends. well that's my lil review not really worth it but had its fun and interesting points only really outside of the storyline. wish they would have left out all the unnecessary stuff would really have made the game for me.
Does anyone know if farcry 2 has this same issue?

Farcry 2 had cussing though the content is a step down from Farcry 3 I believe. You know how it goes today as time goes on people push it more and more. I'll never know for certain all it had though because it was such a terrible game I never finished it. The final straw was a minor mission, that you could not skip, that had me killing the only guy who seemed to selflessly care about the place and you do it for no particular reason. The writer seemed to be pointlessly scripting missions without regard to the main story. The plot is stupid but there is actually little of it which is probably why they put more effort into it in the third one. Nor can you choose your path in Farcry 2 as previews alluded to. You literally do all the missions on one side of the street then all the missions on the other, no choice just grinding. More so I found the game also bad in the other sense of the word solely because enemies would spawn far to frequently. Buying the game back when all I wanted was drive around in a mindless FPS and explore a nice pretty open world. What I got was a huge game play flaw of being accosted by inane AI every 5 seconds. Oh yeah I had missed it had Securom too -_- though they at least patched it out. I don't know if they ever patched enemy spawn time.
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Far Cry 3 = Crapsack World

A Crapsack World is a horrible setting where the pessimistic notion of "anything that can go wrong will go horribly wrong" almost always applies, and it corrupts its inhabitants into perpetuating that nastiness against each other. More succinctly, trying to survive in one of these places is gonna suck.

I have a personal policy of not linking to TV Tropes (more because the place is one of the most dangerous time sinks on the Internet and less so because some of the content is not appropriate), but my limited exposure to FC3 made it clear that it fits this particular trope.

The antidote to Far Cry 3? Critter Crunch.

Seriously. The opening plays out like a HBO movie version of Old Man and the Sea.
I keep wanting to write this long rant about how narrative progression in nearly every AAA game is subtractive (i.e. killing, erasing obstacles both alive and inanimate) toward a neutral end (restoring what was broken in the exposition, escape, retrieval, etc.) rather than additive (i.e. building, constructing, creating) to reach a positive end (creating something better than what came before the exposition).

I think it's one of the reasons why Minecraft is so popular, even if most Minecraft players don't realize it.

I think it's also one reason I'm so vocal about recommending Critter Crunch. Yes, the gameplay is the main reason and narrative rarely matters in a puzzle game (I'd still <3 CC even if there was no story), but I really like that the character's motive in the game is to feed his children, even if the "story" is a very silly one. It makes me smile, it warms my heart, it makes me laugh. Unlike Crapsack World grimdark SRS BIZNESS games, I don't have to feel embarrassed about showing it to anyone who's not an adolescent (no offense to adolescents intended, but I firmly believe they're the target market for most "Mature" games, the Grand Theft Auto series included) and saying, "I really enjoy this game."

Anyway. That's the gist of the rant. Maybe one day I'll flesh it out a bit more...
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Personally, I'm still looking forward to picking up the game next time it's on sale. I liked Far Cry and Far Cry 2 (except for the grind that Gerbil mentioned), plus the open-world stuff is always neat to experiment with. I'm not sure how you guys missed the ESRB rating though. The box says "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs." M-rated game has M-rating~
I'm not sure how you guys missed the ESRB rating though. The box says "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs." M-rated game has M-rating~

Haven't researched it that much. Still feeling about for a game I want to play.

I hate the twitch/resource gathering games like warhammer, starcraft and such. I can never click fast enough to win or even come close to keeping even.

Games like Skyrim, Borderlands and Farcry just seem to be the same thing over and over. Kill, collect stuff, do another quest. The locations change, the bosses change but it's always the same.

Simulation games like sims or railworks or have a draw for me but always seem to get boring after a while because they focus too much on the details and not enough on the creation/life cycle.

I enjoy FPS games but cheating seems to be the order of the day in these games. TF2 is the only FPS game I've seen that doesn't have an issue with rampant cheating.

Time wasters like faerie solitaire and critter crunch are ok but don't hold my interest for too long.

The attitude of most of the people I've met playing or have heard of playing DOTA2 and LOL makes me want to avoid those games as well. Super Monday Night Combat was fun but they couldn't seem to get matchmaking even.

I'm just looking for a good game to play besides minecraft.
I keep wanting to write this long rant about how narrative progression in nearly every AAA game is subtractive (i.e. killing, erasing obstacles both alive and inanimate) toward a neutral end (restoring what was broken in the exposition, escape, retrieval, etc.) rather than additive (i.e. building, constructing, creating) to reach a positive end (creating something better than what came before the exposition).
Where's the like button, Tek? :P

I don't know that I've ever thought of this in such terms, at least not as being an industry-wide trend. Well played. Do feel there are some exceptions, of course. (Final Fantasy X was very much about healing the broken and trying to put an end to Sin's long-going assault on humanity, for example.) Still, taking a brief look at my game collection didn't offer a lot of other immediate examples

...and this gives me ideas. D:
Personally, I'm still looking forward to picking up the game next time it's on sale. I liked Far Cry and Far Cry 2 (except for the grind that Gerbil mentioned), plus the open-world stuff is always neat to experiment with. I'm not sure how you guys missed the ESRB rating though. The box says "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs." M-rated game has M-rating~
well bud that's what I said in one of my posts is I wish I would have looked at the ratings before I rented it( which I'm glad I only rented it). it did have its fun moments with the free roam and hunting animals. but the language and nudity where too much for me. The reason I say that is bc if I wouldn't recommend it to my youth then I shouldnt play it is how I view it.
Personally, I'm still looking forward to picking up the game next time it's on sale. I liked Far Cry and Far Cry 2 (except for the grind that Gerbil mentioned), plus the open-world stuff is always neat to experiment with. I'm not sure how you guys missed the ESRB rating though. The box says "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs." M-rated game has M-rating~

I've avoided Farcry 3 because of the content. In Farcry 2s case I knew it had some language before I bought it and was going to put up with it but nothing I read about it told me "you don't play a hero or even an anti-hero trying to redeem yourself only a total jerk who does any quest regardless of any moral ultimate goal". Neither secular reviews nor the ESRB care or list the overarching moral point of a game. I probably could of been content to wander avoiding the quests entirely but the AI just would just not leave me alone.
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I probably should have just made a new thread with my post instead of burying it in here but ah well.
I'm just looking for games that don't make me angry or bored. or both.
Speaking of Far Cry 3... It's Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day!
Gold Box Price:$34.99
I heard they're going to offer it bundled with Sleeping Dogs and House of the Dead Overkill and call it the F-Bomb Bundle, in the style of indie game bundles.

Totally just made that up. But it wouldn't really surprise me if a less reputable digital storefront did exactly that (well, and if there was a PC version of HotD: Overkill).

Time wasters like faerie solitaire and critter crunch are ok but don't hold my interest for too long.
Did you really just list Faerie Solitaire and Critter Crunch in the same breath and call CC a "time waster"? Really?


Critter Crunch has an Adventure Mode with ~37 levels, a Puzzle Mode with 100 puzzles, a Challenge Mode, two multiplayer modes (Versus and Coop), and Survival Mode. More importantly, the gameplay has much more depth than any "time waster" I've ever played.

Match 3 games? Time wasters, okay. Critter Crunch? An awesome multiplayer puzzle game that ranks among the greats (Puzzle Fighter, Puyo Puyo, Tetrinet, etc.).

Where's the like button, Tek? :P
I think we have some Facebook integration on the forums now...though I have no idea how it works.


I don't know that I've ever thought of this in such terms, at least not as being an industry-wide trend. Well played. Do feel there are some exceptions, of course. (Final Fantasy X was very much about healing the broken and trying to put an end to Sin's long-going assault on humanity, for example.)
Makes me want to seek out an undub version of Final Fantasy X and give it a try. (I played about 5 minutes of the US release of FFX and nearly threw my controller at Tidus. I guess Locke and Celes were the last great Final Fantasy leads, though I admit I thought Zidane was an okay guy.)

Still, taking a brief look at my game collection didn't offer a lot of other immediate examples
Iknorite? Even (almost) every Mario platformer is just about getting the Princess back. Almost every Zelda game is about Saving The World From The Great Evil(TM). Every Call of Battlefield: Medal of YAMS is "kill dudes before they kill you."

And while SimCity and Minecraft are awesome, neither game has anything resembling a narrative (though I am still glad to see a game about building worlds out of cubes sell so many copies).

...and this gives me ideas. D:
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