Speaking of Far Cry 3... It's Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day!
Gold Box Price:$34.99
I heard they're going to offer it bundled with Sleeping Dogs and House of the Dead Overkill and call it the F-Bomb Bundle, in the style of indie game bundles.
Totally just made that up. But it wouldn't really surprise me if a less reputable digital storefront did exactly that (well, and if there was a PC version of HotD: Overkill).
Time wasters like faerie solitaire and critter crunch are ok but don't hold my interest for too long.
Did you really just list Faerie Solitaire and Critter Crunch in the same breath
and call CC a "time waster"?
Critter Crunch has an Adventure Mode with ~37 levels, a Puzzle Mode with 100 puzzles, a Challenge Mode, two multiplayer modes (Versus and Coop), and Survival Mode. More importantly, the gameplay has
much more depth than any "time waster" I've ever played.
Match 3 games? Time wasters, okay. Critter Crunch? An awesome multiplayer puzzle game that ranks among the greats (Puzzle Fighter, Puyo Puyo, Tetrinet, etc.).
Where's the like button, Tek?
I think we have some Facebook integration on the forums now...though I have no idea how it works.
I don't know that I've ever thought of this in such terms, at least not as being an industry-wide trend. Well played. Do feel there are some exceptions, of course. (Final Fantasy X was very much about healing the broken and trying to put an end to Sin's long-going assault on humanity, for example.)
Makes me want to seek out an undub version of Final Fantasy X and give it a try. (I played about 5 minutes of the US release of FFX and nearly threw my controller at Tidus. I guess Locke and Celes were the last great Final Fantasy leads, though I admit I thought Zidane was an okay guy.)
Still, taking a brief look at my game collection didn't offer a lot of other immediate examples
Iknorite? Even (almost) every Mario platformer is just about getting the Princess back. Almost every Zelda game is about Saving The World From The Great Evil(TM). Every Call of Battlefield: Medal of YAMS is "kill dudes before they kill you."
And while SimCity and Minecraft are awesome, neither game has anything resembling a narrative (though I am still glad to see a game about building worlds out of cubes sell so many copies).
...and this gives me ideas. D: