Dika needs help computer shopping

I thought you were one of those Apple people...
I'm not anti any platform. I support Macs, PCs, smartphones, and tablets for work. Apple makes some great machines for a certain subset of consumers, gamers not being one of them. I love my macs (I have multiple) but I like my PCs more and my main machine is win7.
ewok could you post something that you consider a pretty good build that would run high end games well that wont completely make me go poor?

Galatian, i built mine posted on page 3 of this forum for around 700$.
Cyberpower is good from what I hear as well. I have no experience with them.

Acer is crap since they bought out Gateway, actually they were crap before that too and now they made Gateway crap. Odale just got lucky 2 times. I see hundreds of busted acers in my line of work . I would never buy a HP or an Acer after seeing what I have seen in this job the last 6 years.

I've gotten 2 gaming pc's from Cyber power. I've loved them both! I upgraded each one when the video card died. There is actually a sale this month. Lots of upgrades. The support is pretty good and their tech support, at least the last time I called, all speak english as their native language. When I worked in IT and had to call for tech support... it was awful... Dealing with english speakers is great!
I do have my macbook pro and love it! but gaming doesn't love my poor laptop.
I built one for 1300 to but id rather spend like 700 haha and i don't know anything about proccessors and such. I have a guy i work with who is totally for amd processors and suggested them and it didn't seem to terrible.
Okay well from what i just read is that the LGA1155-based Core i7-2600K is leaps and bounds ahead of anything that amd has put out yet