On a side note:
My day was great except for one hour which involves the events following lunch... and band after school...
after lunch i parked in one of the spots i usually park in, and many other students also park in, and a teacher chewed me out for parking there because apparently they're teacher's spots, and he explained that the school is towing improperly parked vehicles... so i pulled out and headed for another spot... unfortunately, when i went for a spot, the people in the car beside it decided to walk into and stand in that spot, at which point i was just slightly too far for the only remaining spot on the row [and i had to take one of the two, since the parking lot doesn't have room to turn around]. Naturally, i didn't want to disturb them, and tried to get in the one i was almost past... Fortunately, i managed to get in
almost straight, and well within the spot's boundaries,
after backing up once... I emphasize the underlined phreases because of the next series of events:
1. A mob of people gets out of nearby cars and watches me park
2. I exit my car and walk past them
3. Me being a common target for laughter, they decided to make fun of my ability to park, which i personally think is not only pointless, but stupid... However, they obviously did it because there were 10+ of them and 1 of me, and you know the peer pressure
impress your friends by making fun of others idea... One mocked, "Want me to straighten your truck up for you?" to which i said nothing (i'd like to see him park a ford F-250 in one try in THAT parking lot >.>)
4. I head to class and realize i forgot MY BACKPACK. Coincidentally i didn't need anything for that class...
5. once that class ended (50 minutes later), i ambled (slow hall traffic) outside and ran both to the truck and to my next class... (both trips were across the campus)
6. I'm out of breath and my stomach has been hurting since a few days, made worse by the rushing and carrying a 30lb. bag on my back.
After school, the band's practice field is occupied by parked cars watching a jr. high (?) football game on the nearby football field... we instead go to the football practice field, which has grass that i'm extremely allergic to (for example, if i for some unknown reason eat the grass chances are i'll be hospitalized)... the practice was for two hours, and my allergies often act up after 5 minutes of practice on the football field that was played on today... Naturally i feel terrible now after a long hard day
yet just the prospect of relaxing and talking to my Christian friends is good enough to replace my emotions temporarily...
meanwhile i need to research Red Skelton for Theatre
tomorrow i have theatre practice because i made the cast for the play :3
we're doing a bunch of funny skits