Devona's Tavern - the new Off-topic thread

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The following is a message of the Gerbil Broadcasting System

...sqweak, sqweak, SQWEEEEEAK...

At last a place I can shamelessly link to my other thread and have it be perfectly legal legit, oooooh yeah :cool:

...sqweak, sqweak, SQWEEEEEAK...

This has been a message from the Gerbil Broadcasting System. Had there been a real emergency you would not have received a warning from me. We now return you to your regular pointless spaming thread.
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I love sausage. But there's no sausage-flavored Pocky.

At least, I don't think so. But I can't read some of the boxes anyway...
Erm, one of my friends does that when she sees me somewhere. Not screaming, but it's just "Chicken!!". So whenever you do that, I think "Not Stc too....!!!"
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