Dear DV,

[]WildBillKickoff said:
And yet MMO was one of the most bitter, hateful people in the world, according to almost everyone she worked with. I would think that of all people to quote about virtuous atheists, she would be at the bottom of the list. That's really much like quoting Jimmy Swaggart about chastity, or Jim Jones about poison control.

I didn't say I was in love with her :P

Just her quote :)
Dark Virtue said:
I wonder how many Christians were praying to God to help the Astros out.
Sometimes God says, "no!" Sometimes He says, "no," quite frankly, because we stink! Who knows? Maybe the Sox fans were praying more diligently...or there was an honory Astros fan...;)
Dark Virtue said:
I didn't say I was in love with her :P
We all know you grew up with posters of her all over your room! Admite it! You still have them, don't you?