Dawn of War 2


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Thanks to Blizzard's announcement that Starcraft II will be released as a trilogy, interest in Red Alert 3 and Dawn of War 2 has increased dramatically.

I liked the Dawn of War demo I played a few years ago, but couldn't justify the expense of DoW and its expansions when I already had Starcraft installed. I'm also more resistant to games with higher learning curves than I was before my gaming time was diminished and I moved toward consoles.

Gamestop posted an estimated release date of Feb. 23, 2009 for DoW2 on their web site, so it might still be too early to talk about building interest in a chapter. I just hope my notebook (with its GeForce Go 7800) will be able to handle the game.

Has anyone else checked out DoW2 info and screenshots yet? If so, what do you think?
While I did like SC back in the day I was not all that jazzed about a new release because I have fallen in love with the dawn of war series. I am super excited to see how well DoW2 is coming along. Every release in the series has been awesome and I am glad they keep dishing out the goods! A while back they removed the copy protection so you didn't have to keep the CDs in the drive.. that was pure awesome!

edit: WOW, I just watched the new trailer. Man Relic has really taken over as the king of the next gen RTS in my opinion. Everything they do is solid.
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Dawn of War was awesome and made me a 40k fan -though I lack the serious fundage to get into the table top.
I LOVE the direction they are taking Dawn of War 2, focusing more on tactics and strategy with the units rather than basebuilding (at least in Singleplayer, nobody knows how MP is going to work... ). And Tyranids! Destructible (in a useful way) terrain! The only thing to make it better would be the inclusion of the Tau, but that's just personal preference for that faction.

RA 3, now... I am almost as excited about it as DoW2. The original Red Alert was the first game I've ever spent a serious length of time playing. I loved the silliness and overall 'feel' of the Red Alert series (well, the entire C&C series really).
I just need a newer computer to run any of them... I still can't play C&C 3. :(

I see SCII as more of an updated graphics/story than a something new and unique and not something I am very interested in. I will probably pick it up a ways down the road when its in the 'three-for-one' pack.
And Tyranids!
I have to admit that my first thought at seeing the Tyranids was "ZERG!" But then again, I'm a Zerg player in Starcraft, so I see Zerg everywhere (not literally, of course).

Destructible (in a useful way) terrain!
Oo, that does sound cool.

Here's hoping Relic releases a demo in advance of the retail game.

EDIT: I thought of one other thing that kept me from purchasing Dawn of War: When I was considering buying the Platinum Pack, I read that Soulstorm would be seeing a retail release soon. I held off on the purchase, hoping that there would be another pack (Titanium?) including Souldstorm after. So far, no such luck.
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I have to admit that my first thought at seeing the Tyranids was "ZERG!" But then again, I'm a Zerg player in Starcraft, so I see Zerg everywhere (not literally, of course).

Tyranids first appeared in the Tabletop in 1987, so they probably heavily influenced the Zerg. I guess you could call them their 'big brothers'. :D

Soulstorm is merely meh. I've been waiting for a patch that is due literally 'any day now' for the past who knows how many months to fix some major issues (There's a good reason for the delay, but it's still annoying). The campaign is very similar to Dark Crusade, and the only reason I'd get it is if you loved the Sisters of Battle or the Dark Eldar -or you are like me and think multiplayer with eight different factions rocks! (Oddly, there are nine factions and no 9-10 player maps...)

They'll probably release a full pack a little while before DoW 2 comes out. :cool:
Would love to join you guys in DoW2, but I never even bought DoW1 though I had every intention. I'm just too slow when it comes to RTSs...I finally beat HW2 this year, 3 years after picking it up, and I'm still plowing my way through Company of Heroes. :P

Relic rocks the spot though, they have great writers, a great art department...I don't think there games are necessarily flashy, but they have an understated rock-solid quality to them. Just what you'd expect from a Canadian studio. ;)
I've been curious about this game for a while, but the "M" rating on the box has always made me leary about it. I'd prefer it if there was a demo so I could preview it first - I like to at least see what games with higher ratings are like before I purchase.

Anyone have an opinion about the content in the game? Does it deserve the rating?
I've been curious about this game for a while, but the "M" rating on the box has always made me leary about it.
According to the ESRB, the Dawn of War games have been rated M because of blood, gore, and violence. When I played the demos, I don't remember them being any more violent that Starcraft or Team Fortress 2.

I'd prefer it if there was a demo so I could preview it first - I like to at least see what games with higher ratings are like before I purchase.
Good news! There are demos for the Dawn of War series.
Yeah, the worst I remember seeing is definite violence, and lots of blood. A good chunk of the rating comes from the crazy Sync kills. If you want to see the 'worst' in terms of its rating, PM me and I'll send you a youtube link to it(personally I think the sync kills are incredibly awesome...).
If my computer can run it, I will definetly be getting Dawn of War II, I really loved the original and it's expansions, with the exception of soulstorm, I didn't like that one. I hope that when it comes out we can have a chapter for it, that is of course, presuming it turns out to be good.
I did end up downloading the demos...the worst I've seen so far is the blood and corpses on the battlefield. I haven't encountered the Sync kills yet, but at this point it seems tolerable. Not something I'd want my daughter playing, obviously (not that she'd want to :)), but tolerable.
Ooooh tek tek tek tek tek http://store.steampowered.com/sub/447/ XP I just thought you might want to see this
Ohhh, that is nice.

Now I just wish I was employed and could justify the purchase of a new game. :(

Maybe I'll put this on my wish list for Christmas. Or just buy it when I get a job.

EDIT: Where are my manners?

Thank you for the link, Bijou. :D
I played Dawn of War up through the first expansion pack, some time ago, and it is easily one of the best RTS's I've played in the last ten years. It's very fast and furious and fun when it comes to combat and there's much less micro-management and more battle. The new features of DoW II have me absolutely drooling and I can't wait to try it out. This game is one of the reasons I'm currently trying to build a machine that can handle new games, and also why I want it completed by the end of February. :)
I had already planned to download and play the demo for this game once it was available before I watched the gameplay video. After viewing the video, I'll be watching for a demo release date and marking my calendar.
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