Dawn of War 2

Some new trailers to whet your appetite.

Dawn of War II - Meet the Blood Ravens

Dawn of War II - Meet the Blood Ravens (in German)

Dawn of War II - Multiplayer First Look

Dawn of War II - Space Marine Campaign Walkthrough

I am curious about the selection of heroes for multiplayer. For the Space Marines, I am so used to seeing the Librarian and the Chaplain as heroes in the first DoW. To see them not in that type of role in this sequel... well, we'll see how Relic handles which type of units to include in this game.
Since DRM is a big deal for most, Here's what Relic plans to do with DoW II:

When talking about DRM solutions, Ebbert said that it would be taking the approach that Valve pioneered to try and avoid implementing any DRM procedures;
"the reason we don’t like DRM solutions is because they punish the innocent and they have to jump through all these hoops. We don’t want to do that so we’re going with the approach that Valve pioneered to just reward the people who actually bought the game with cool stuff. Free downloadable, regularly accessible stuff that enhances the game and then that’s an incentive for the people who didn’t buy the game to buy it. So we’ve got a really bold, robust strategy for that and we’re going to be revealing more details in about a month, but I think players are going to like it."
"the reason we don’t like DRM solutions is because they punish the innocent and they have to jump through all these hoops. We don’t want to do that so we’re going with the approach that Valve pioneered to just reward the people who actually bought the game with cool stuff. Free downloadable, regularly accessible stuff that enhances the game and then that’s an incentive for the people who didn’t buy the game to buy it. So we’ve got a really bold, robust strategy for that and we’re going to be revealing more details in about a month, but I think players are going to like it."
This just greatly increased the chances that I'll purchase DoW2 when it comes out...provided I'm employed by then.

Dawn of War 2 comes out on Thursday, Feb. 19.

So are we going to revive our Dawn of War Chapter? If so, we'll need someone to step up and volunteer for the Chapter Leader position.

Chapter Leaders are responsible for getting the chapter going and keeping it going. They're in charge of the chapter and responsible for posting short (i.e. one or two paragraphs) reports in the staff forums every month on the status of the chapter. They're also responsible for selecting and appointing staff, as well as making sure recruiting and web development gets done (though they can delegate those tasks).
Well, I am always up for a match in DoW 1 or 2 (after it is released on Steam).

Anybody else planning to play DoW 2 regularly?
I preordered on steam, so I am eagerly awaiting its arrival.

I'd definitely be up for some campaign co-op in the evenings! :D
I played it last night. SP Campaign is all kinds of awesome. When the nids arrive in force it is almost overwhelming ...on the standard difficulty. And of course all the loot that drops and the levels gained add a bunch more options.
I just completed downloading it last night. I probably won't have time to really dig into the single player until Friday night.

I am more than willing to play it co-op and go achievement hunting. So contact me on GFW Live if you are interested.
Yeah, I plan to play this game for the long-term. Right now, since I am really an RTS novice when it comes to multiplayer, I have been reviewing expert replays and shoutcasts and working against the computer to develop my skills. But I am usually up for a game, and I am glad to help out on co-op as well.

Gamertag: Omega Amen
I find the best way to learn multiplayer is to jump right in. Most people don't mind schooling the novice players in the ways of Multiplayer RTS. ;)
I would consider myself a good player... but i get schooled in multiplayer. hehe

I'm gonna keep at it. i'm working on a few Different strats
What race do you use?

Space Marines are hard to use 1v1, Orks just take a bit of learning, Nids... I dunno as I haven't played them much at all. I think the Eldar are just HARD to use and require the most micromanagement just to survive.

If you don't mind being a little cheap the Energy shields (for FC, Warlock, etc.) can be devastatingly hard to counter. :D
FC with Iron Halo, lolhammer. Plasma Devs and Tac marines (equipping them with missiles are a cheap tactic...). HB are excellent early game. Keep some scouts near the heavy squads to prevent unhealthy surprises. Make sure to keep a squad or two around your walker/armor units running interference against AV units. It is best to run around in groups of three, which means you won't be terribly effective capping points, but you should be able to take most of the stuff thrown at you.

As far as on the field strategy, anti-power is the most effective and important thing you can do to deny resources. It is fairly easy to kill off power gens and the like.