Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

I feel like skipping XBone and PS4 and getting a WiiU now. I have a gaming rig, so anything hardcore can be played there. WiiU for chilling on the couch with the kids.
Don't forget the big robots!
...for three hours. Max. Before the handheld dies.
Huh? Battery life or something else? Either way, I don't think I've ever had a problem with the GamePad. If talking about battery life, though, then for extended play sessions there's always the option to plug it in and play while it charges. Still, even seasoned gamers can usually afford a break for a while if they've been playing for three hours straight.
New winner of E3: Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU with Villager of Animal Crossing... AND MEGA MAN!

This really doesn't win it. Nintendo played it really really safe this E3. We all knew a new super smash bros was coming. The only real surprise was mega man. That isn't enough to beat Star Wars Battlefront 3 and mirrors edge.

sorry mang, just ain't enough.
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One thing I will comment on - Nintendo is definitely the smartest guy in the room. While people often poke them for not being on par with the XBox/PS, they've managed to stay pretty much competition free since the Wii came out.

People only see XBox vs Playstation, and mostly see an overlap, so they end up buying one of those systems AND a Wii. Genius.
Go home, youngin'. Mega Man >>>> everything. :P

Also! No idea how I didn't post this earlier (I don't think I did), but fairy-type Pokemon have been officially announced. It looks like character customization is also gonna be in Pokemon X/Y. And! Taking care of your Pokemon/bonding with it will improve critical hit chances. That may totally throw off the competitive scene of people creating perfected forms of Pokemon using machines rather than catching and raising them. That prospect makes me very happy and adds to the trainer/combatant dynamic. :D
I'll smack talk XBox and I can tell you I am a very unhappy Wii customer...but it is going to be very hard for me to turn down Dragon Quest when it eventually comes to Wii U.
I don't want to buy a PlayStation 4 for the games. None of the exclusives appeal to me and, if history serves as a pattern for the future, almost every really good indie game will get ported to Steam (where it will eventually go on sale for a quarter of the price of the PSN version).

The "sharing" (a.k.a. livestreaming) function inspires me to shrug since I already have OBS + set up on my desktop.

The PS4's specs look respectable, but my PC already sports better hardware. (Yes, I spent twice as much on hardware upgrades as the PS4 will cost. And just so you don't think I'm trying to sound snotty, please remember that my recent upgrade was my first major purchased upgrade in over a decade.)

The Move-like functionality of the PS4 controller is admittedly cool, but the camera isn't packed in (a smart move on Sony's part, in my opinion, but it will make third-party developers hesitate to include features that depend on the PS4 Eye and chances are first-party support will drop off after the first year). And as much I think developers could do amazing things with motion controls, it seems nearly all studios are content with making flailing mini-game collections and pumping out dance games with pop music, most of which causes ear cancer.

So when it comes to hardware and software, I'm not interested in a PS4. I got a solid PC and a backlog (largely built on Steam sales) a mile long.

Now hang on a minute, I'm getting to the "but":

But even as frugal as I am, I find myself wanting to buy a PS4 just to support Sony and their new attitude.

Indies can self-publish?

AND you had multiple indie developers on stage at E3. Yes, E3, an event widely known for its shameless exhibition of Generic Space Marine Shoot 'Em Up Bang Bang Man designed blowing stuff up for the socially stunted misogynist man-child that much of the games industry still seems to believe comprises the largest part of the gamer community?

Yes, I want to give you money just because I like you and your attitude.

What has the world come to when I want to buy a Sony product for no other reason than on principle?

It does my heart good to see Sony shake off the hubris that hamstrung the PS3 early on. :)

It's unfortunate that Microsoft seems to have picked up that same hubris right where Sony had dropped it. :(

(By the way, the whole "not interested in a PS4" thing goes right out the window as soon as Sega announces Yakuza 6 is a PS4 exclusive.)

TL;DR: The world has gone mad and I want to hug Sony (specifically, the PlayStation division) for doing the right thing.
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+1 on support for attitude. I buy retro/HD remakes out of principle. I do think the currently announced launch line-up for PS4 is a bit weak, but personally I feel people should look to the past instead of current to decide. Looking only at the launch line-up is a bit short-sighted IMO, and while we don't have a perfect view of the future we can look at what each has done in the past as the BEST indicator.

360 had:
(I am sure I am missing some as I'm not as familiar)

PS3 had:
Demon Souls (no longer exlusive)
Gran Turismo
Heavy Rain
Jak & Daxter (just HD collection, but still Sony IP)
Metal Gear (no longer exlusive IIRC)
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Cooper
Twisted Metal
Valkyria Chronicles

The fact is that most big games are not exlusive. I'm not a huge shooter fan and I'm not dissing Halo/Gears, but it just isn't enough to sell me on a system when there are so many other shooters. And even that I can play on the PC. I really do feel that when you're comparing IP and line-ups, Sony came out way ahead on PS3, and many of these are Sony property so no chance they'll be elsewhere. Nintendo has the same thing going on. Can you imagine an XBox Smash-like game? I can't, because there is no way they could even begin to fill a line-up.

I think Sony would do well to remind people of this before November, either by showing trailers of upcoming games or by doing a sweet montage showcasing all their IP. It's a shame their online service wasn't as good, so hopefully that is better this time around, but I'll wait-and-see on that.

...and then there is the gem that is PSN+. Holy crap that has been awesome.
In a moment of near-irony, since the 360 was so lacking in Japanese RPGs while the PS3 had them out the wazoo, the 360 did get exclusive claim to Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon (though the latter had a DS spin-off), two of my favorite RPGs of this generation. Crackdown is a somewhat fun exclusive series. There is Viva Pinata to add to the list, though. Still, it's not really that much.

Thing is, Microsoft has Rare, and Rare has (or at least had) talent and licenses worth the while. I don't really recall Rare being particularly awesome in this generation, but it could be a significant asset in the next generation. Maybe.

Playstation Plus is excellent, though. Even though I usually dislike subscription services (especially when you have to stay subscribed to continue enjoying what you've gotten during your subscription), the value of Plus is so excellent that I consider it totally worth my while. Plus is so good, in fact, that I want a Vita just to utilize the sizable library of quality games I've acquired with my Plus sub already. I wouldn't even need to buy games for the platform to play many of its highlights because of Plus.

And getting LittleBigPlanet Karting, XCOM, Deus Ex, and Uncharted 3 all in the last week or two alone further demonstrates the excellence of the service. ^_^

Hmm. Plus wins E3. :P
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Well this what's sucks for me is I really like all kinds of games, but I prefer the Xbox controller. So I bought both this gen and used Xbox for cod, halo and other exclusives. Then the ps3 for fallout, and the Sony exclusives that I enjoyed from Sony! Then I got rid of my Xbox bc this girl I was dating didn't like video games! So I kept and used my ps3 as a blueray/ Netflix player. Well then she left me for a meth head, and I began trying to play CoD on the ps3, then the whole psn hacking happened and it made me very angry so I sold it to my friend and got an Xbox again! Which I loved for gaming. Now I'm probably gonna get both again but wait on the Xbox till halo 5 comes out. I'm hoping maybe Microsoft will have such a bad realese that they will change the used game policy! The whole online issue doesn't bother me since I'm always connected to the interwebs! But is anyone else interested in the elder scrolls online game?
Hardware-wise, I estimate my buy order will be 3DS -> Ouya -> Vita -> PS4 -> One. New Pokemon is coming. This dictates that 3DS be my highest priority. Much as I agree with Tek's supporting PS4 on principle, my similar "on principle" view wants to support Ouya even more. My sizable and growing catalog of worthwhile Vita games thanks to Plus warrants an eventual hardware purchase. PS4 and One are at the bottom of this list is not meant as an insult toward them but simply an acceptance of their lower priority in my gaming acquisitions list. I find it highly likely that I'll acquire a PS4 and One at some point in the future.

Elder Scrolls Online could be very cool, O Legit One, but I've so many MMOs on my list already that I'm not especially excited about it. I still have to get around to finishing Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. haha
Lol I got around 400 hrs in each one of these so I'm looking forward to it so much! Have been a fan of the elder scrolls series since morrowind. But I'm really looking forward to seeing if Ryse, will be good! And for PS4 I'm kinda looking forward to kingdom hearts 3. But the new IP's I'm looking forward to, watch dogs, destiny, and the division! E3 made me excited for a new gen of gaming bc recently it seems like all the games that have been coming out are just continues cookie cutter franchises! But I'm really looking forward to the last of us! I'm getting a job closer to home so I'm probably gonna spend the next month at my friends house with that game!
Dude Kendrick.. why no Steambox?!?
Escaped my memory. And I already have a box that runs Steam and any games I acquire from the service quite well?

Edit: Also, price point. From what I understand, it won't be cheap. Unless Steam Box suddenly gets exclusives only playable on the 'Box, I'd personally rather put that money into compy hardware upgrades in the future since I already have a rather functional machine. :D
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I'll get a Steambox when they release HL3. Why? Principle. Point will be moot anyway, because my bet is that it'll be a launch title with steambox so the console will become an instant guaranteed sell for dang near everyone who proudly calls themselves a gamer.