Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

I'm half-way tempted to edit your post for you so you don't give Steam/Valve any ludicrous ideas. lol stop it! :P
I'm half-way tempted to edit your post for you so you don't give Steam/Valve any ludicrous ideas. lol stop it! :P
I'm pretty sure he's not the first to think of it...
Yeah. :( But considering how long its been since Episode 2 came out, and how long they've had to create HL3... I mean seriously. I love that series so much. It's like torture!


Y'all are probably right. It will probably be Steambox only for a while just so they can boost their sales.

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That wouldn't be a big problem for me since that is arguably the best shooter/ action games ever! I wish I would have got into the half life games earlier. I didn't play any till it the second one came out on The original Xbox.
As to your comment on Rare Kendrik, you just have to remember that Rare is not Rare. It's just a name that was bought, and not the same people that used to make awesome games back in the day. So for example while I loved me some Killer Instinct, and I hope this one is done well, I'm thinking it won't be. I've never heard of the guys who are doing it...and the little research I did screamed "lowest bidder". Hope I'm wrong, though!