Complete GW.dat file download

Might be a good idea to setup a scheduled task that runs once a week or so at O'Dark 30

Oh wait...can't run it then...that's playing time.
O_o wow. I'm doing it now, my game is fully upto date and doing this it needs 40k more files to dl and decompress. I'll post how much data is needed to be downloaded when I finish.
my box needed 80000 files. My wife's machine needed 30000 files..yikes!
yeah.... once you realize this little thing... you are shocked at how much you DIDN"T have... it is amazing... bump vv.

FORGIVE ME... admins for bumping... if i'm not allowed... i just have used taht in SO long... I always use to use the sig "bump vv" idk why... but i did... i can't remember where it originated... yet i did it once... and just stuck with it... sorry... i was just reminiscing by bumping... haha.

bump vv.
my machine is still downloading..<G>..then it'll spend a while decompressing i guess. My wife's machine being less than a year old ripped through the decompressing part..that's where my box falls down(hence why i am going for the large uncompressed image).