Coming Soon... Patch 2.3!


New Member
From a post by Drysc on the WoW forums:

The start date for Season 3 is purposefully planned to be one week later than the release of patch 2.3, which is currently scheduled for November 13. We will be closely monitoring the testing of the 2.3 patch, and if it looks like it won’t make the November 13 date, we will announce a delay.

So it could be as soon as this Tuesday! :)
Sorry Braveheart, I don't often get a chance to read Redeemed's forums... I mostly just look at The Forgiven boards and the general CGA boards. Given that it IS two different guilds on two different servers, I would expect some postings about the same subjects on both boards.

::goes to look at the other post::

hehe, they quoted this thread's original post. :)

And so that this isn't completely off-topic... my PTR sources tell me that the lvl 30-60 XP rate has been GREATLY increased. I'm totally psyched about the changes. :D
/agree with moxie.

In fact, very few of our members wander into other areas.

Braveheart said:
Close enough to be annoying.
Not to be rude, but you don't have to browse our forums. If you find it annoying that we talk about our game, don't read them.

That or just skim the titles of the posts.. If it doesn't seem like something that interests you, don't read it. I only read about 1/3 of the threads that I see have new posts in them. I read every forum on the system, but I don't see the need to comment about the newest patch in EVE, some graphical glitch on the GameCube, or a movie I've never seen on the PureFun boards.

While this is an open forum, I'm distressed that you feel the need to come in here and stir trouble with posts like this. You and I have had previous discussions about this sort of thing in private. I'm a moderator in this guild's area... an area of which you aren't even a member. If I don't like the spam, I'll stop it. Please don't tell me how to do my job unless I ask for opinions. If you were in my guild, I may feel differently about it. I don't know what your deal is, but please stop trying to stir trouble.

moxie said:
my PTR sources tell me that the lvl 30-60 XP rate has been GREATLY increased
Sad. My toon will be very close to 58 by the time that the patch hits. *shrug* Oh well, I'll get there either way :)
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Sorry Braveheart, I don't often get a chance to read Redeemed's forums... I mostly just look at The Forgiven boards and the general CGA boards. Given that it IS two different guilds on two different servers, I would expect some postings about the same subjects on both boards.

::goes to look at the other post::

hehe, they quoted this thread's original post. :)

And so that this isn't completely off-topic... my PTR sources tell me that the lvl 30-60 XP rate has been GREATLY increased. I'm totally psyched about the changes. :D

Hey it's fine man, kinda funny though because that has happend before with other topics.:p
/agree with moxie.

In fact, very few of our members wander into other areas.

Not to be rude, but you don't have to browse our forums. If you find it annoying that we talk about our game, don't read them.

That or just skim the titles of the posts.. If it doesn't seem like something that interests you, don't read it. I only read about 1/3 of the threads that I see have new posts in them. I read every forum on the system, but I don't see the need to comment about the newest patch in EVE, some graphical glitch on the GameCube, or a movie I've never seen on the PureFun boards.

While this is an open forum, I'm distressed that you feel the need to come in here and stir trouble with posts like this. You and I have had previous discussions about this sort of thing in private. I'm a moderator in this guild's area... an area of which you aren't even a member. If I don't like the spam, I'll stop it. Please don't tell me how to do my job unless I ask for opinions. If you were in my guild, I may feel differently about it. I don't know what your deal is, but please stop trying to stir trouble.

Sad. My toon will be very close to 58 by the time that the patch hits. *shrug* Oh well, I'll get there either way :)

Didn't know you were a admin, why doesn't it say that under your account name?
Braveheart said:
Didn't know you were a admin, why doesn't it say that under your account name?
Because it doesn't need to. If you look over on the right side of the forums area, it says I'm a moderator. I'm not kidding Braveheart.

If my members have to say something to you, it means I've failed them as a moderator and officer. I feel I've been more than fair, this is your last warning.
And so that this isn't completely off-topic... my PTR sources tell me that the lvl 30-60 XP rate has been GREATLY increased. I'm totally psyched about the changes. :D

EXP need per level (20-60) will be decreased by 15%, and quest (30-60) EXP will be increased by 15%...
Yup, I am one of those the almost never reads any forums other than The Forgiven's section, and my bookmark takes me directly to our section and I rarely ever see the other sections.

I will occasionally read other sections if I see an interesting topic in the "Today's Popular Threads" blurbs at the top of the site's page.

So, for me, this is a single posting :)