Christianity? Absolutely

James said:
Anything can be interpreted any way if one desires it bad enough, but if you examine the doctrines without any kind of interpreting you will see that they all require that man reach some kind of plateau , or become own gods or something similar. I have not found one that does not come to that end yet.

Christianity is truly God reaching out for us first, while we were still sinners, and offering us His grace and salvation free of charge, all we have to do is accept it. That is what makes Christianity unique.

Hmm, you just said that they ALL require man to reach some kind of plateau, but in the next breath you say except for Christianity.

Can you give me specific examples or are you guilty yourself of interpreting things into your religion in a subjective manner?
Gandhi said:
tolerance of sinfull behavior?
What if what u find sinfull is different to what they find sinfull.
Well, I suppose that would depend on how intolerable I personally thought the sin was, what the bible had to say about it, and what I would think the best course of action would be to deal with it.

Obviously, murder, pedophilia, rape, theft, etc. are all intolerable actions, because they violate/take away another person's life or rights. Western society (and most of the world and it's religions) seems to be pretty much in agreement there.

But when it comes to behaviour that does not infringe on another person's life or rights, and if we all agree to enter into a free society with all the perks and limitations that that entails, then things get a little more gray, as the debates that are raging over homosexual marriage and other hot buttons issues can attest to.

At any rate, I don't think you respond to (biblical) sin with more sin. You don't respond to abortions by bombing a clinic. You don't ignore the plight of AIDS or HIV patients because of the stigma carried with the disease.

Did that answer your question?

As for Dark Virtue's *original* question, about tolerence of people's points of view (again, as he pointed out, *not* talking about being tolerant of sin), I think he has a point. If we're not going to show some respect, how can we expect respect in return? "Dialogue" should be the focus, not "monologue".

I'm reminded of my previous Pastor, who read the Koran so that he might be better informed about it and speak intelligently on its teachings. When a muslim aquaintence learned that this Pastor had read the Koran, he promised to go read the Bible. Since my Pastor had taken the time to learn about Islam, this man was going to take some time to learn about Christianity.

If nothing more came of that experience other than a deeper relationship and understanding between these two men, than that was still a more beneficial exchange than one person doing all the talking and then leaving when the other person doesn't agree.
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Shagz said:
I'm reminded of my previous Pastor, who read the Koran so that he might be better informed about it and speak intelligently on its teachings. When a muslim aquaintence learned that this Pastor had read the Koran, he promised to go read the Bible. Since my Pastor had taken the time to learn about Islam, this man was going to take some time to learn about Christianity.

I think more people need to take this attitude. How can you denounce other religions when, in reality, you honestly know nothing about those religions other than what other people tell you?

I agree DV.

But, what you need to understand is that most new pastors coming straight out of school have HAD to do just that. Having to read and study other religions are common place now.
I wsa thinking about this, and christians would believe that people of other faiths are sinners since they are not following the christian god/jesus.
Does that make sence?

Going to take a big step and speak for more than just myself on this one....Christians believe that all are sinners, including ourselves.

kevman4christ said:
I agree DV.

But, what you need to understand is that most new pastors coming straight out of school have HAD to do just that. Having to read and study other religions are common place now.

Understood, however, they are CHRISTIAN PASTORS (in training). How objective can they really be?

That is one thing, but I was referring more to the laity, who are generally uneducated when it comes to religions other than their own.
Genesis1315 said:
Going to take a big step and speak for more than just myself on this one....Christians believe that all are sinners, including ourselves.


I think that's a given, no suprise there since it's one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.
Yes, I do. But now do you understand where I am coming from. We have talked about tolerance for many things, but ultimately, my standard must come from God. He says that murder is wrong, so how can I be tolerant of abortion. He says that homosexuality is an abomination, so I can I be tolerant of equal rights for homosexual partners. He says pray without ceasing, so how can I be tolerant of no prayer in school.

This is my point. By being tolerant we have lost a lot of Christian way of living. Being tolerant has allowed for Muslim prayers to be said, but not Christian ones.

Yes, I can be tolerant of other religions. I have a Biblical basis for it, but that does not mean that when all is said and done, I will see any of these people. Yes, other religions may seem interesting. Going out and celebrating Beltane or any of the other holidays may appear to be "cool", but given the seriousness of the spiritual side of our existance, playing around in those areas that lead to a separation from the One True and Living God seems very risky at best. Would I rather be a part of life or death......

This is my point. By being tolerant we have lost a lot of Christian way of living. Being tolerant has allowed for Muslim prayers to be said, but not Christian ones.

In what way? Can you expand on this or are we getting off track here?
Well you know, this is the thing, Gen. Murder is defined as an illegal killing and since most people want Abortion to be legal (if carefully monitored) that means that it is NOT murder, since it is legally sanctioned. As an American you should be aware that your nation IS in favour of legally sanctioned killings - hence the huge support for the death penalty.

The things is - and this is the rub - you have to decide whether the United States of America is a free democracy or a Fundamentalist Christian Oligarchy. Because if it's a free democracy then that freedom, that sufferage, has to be universal. It has to apply to ALL America's citizens - even the ones that you don't personally agree with.

God says Abortion is murder (Which I've never read in the bible, but whatever) then as a Christian have no part of abortion in your life. Do not get one, do not work in a clinic that provides that service. But DON'T kill doctors providing what they see as a humane service and DON'T campaign to have the choices of others stolen from them.

God says Homosexuality is an abomination - don't vote for homosexual candidates, don't have homosexual friends and don't take a homosexual lover. But DON'T oppress those who are homosexual and DON'T campaign to have them treated like second class citizens.

God says pray unceasingly - so pray. Quiet and personal prayer has not been outlawed in American schools. Prayer SERVICES have. So hold your services outside school, pray to the lord yourself as you want. But DON'T campaign to have your religion thrust down the throats of all those who don't share it and don't opress those who think differently to you.

You see the difference? It's really quite easy - freedom of choice for you and freedom of choice for others. If the one threatens the other, then you need to take a harsh look at why YOUR freedoms are more important than theirs. And you and I have already spoken about your prior faith - I would still be interested in learning how you managed to take ANYTHING negative away with you from a Beltane celebration - a celebration of life and joy and renewal. Now Samhain, that I COULD understand...

Come to that, Samhain's coming up again, isn't it? I shold probably do a piece on the subversion of the old rituals and what they ACTUALLY are. Fear stems from ignorance and acceptance from knowledge.
In what way? Can you expand on this or are we getting off track here?

We are severly off track. I was subtly trying to turn things around back to the topic at hand....note True Living God, but perhaps I was a bit too subtle. Chalk it up to a cold I suppose.

Let's make things a bit more direct...

If you want to discuss on Pagan rituals, please start another thread. If you really want to get into a discussion on the things I mentioned, start another thread. Now, can we please get back to Christianity.

So let's get back on track.

I contend that Christianity is just one religion in a bin full of religions. Sure, it has some things that make it unique, but so do other religions.

I also contend that the majority of Christians are so, because of geographical influence.