Christianity? Absolutely


Shagz, I completely agree with you. There alot of things that are wrong with certian peoples 'idea' on their faith and in that we are definitely not UNITED IN CHRIST as we should.
But to those on the outside need to understand (if they are to understand this arguement) that their view on 'many other religions' is that is the ploy of satan (lower case intentional) to 'complicate' things.
Yes, if it WERE just that easy to understand that Christianity IS THE WAY ( and it is ) then Jesus never would have had to die for us.

But it was HIS (Jesus's) death and resurrection that complicated things for satan. In light of that satan had to 'complicate' things for us..

Dark Virtue and others, please understand my heart that I am not here to slam you. I can not by my means change the way you think. But, one thing I can do is continually pray for you and your family in hope that the Lord will soften your heart and call you to Him.

I appreciate and welcome any discussion you wish to carry on and I do respect your words. But you need to know that I as well as others genuinely care for you.
What exactly is New Age as a religion. I've poked around in contemporary religions quite a lot and never met someone who described themselves as a New Ager. I see you also miss all of the Pagan / Heathen religions off of your list, along with Shintoism.

I understand it must be hard. I've seen some of the garbage that they pump out about other religions in those Chick tracts, and I understand that many Christian's choose to believe rubbish like that rather than do the research themselves. I've been on the inside of Wiccan, Astruaar, Druidic and Shinto religions - and I've not seen any baby sacrificing or devil worshipping.
There are many more but I narrowed it down. And New Agers are growing in popularity. As far as you not 'seeing' baby sacrificing, great that's good news. As far as that NOT being devil worship.. That's another subject.
kevman4christ said:
There are many more but I narrowed it down. And New Agers are growing in popularity. As far as you not 'seeing' baby sacrificing, great that's good news. As far as that NOT being devil worship.. That's another subject.

I'll take it further - I would be far happier leaving my child in the company of most of the Wiccans I have met than with the proponents of any other religion. Wiccans are amongst the most wellbalanced, tolerant and progressive people I have ever met - so much so that I couldn't be one of them due to some of my opinions on war and the use of force to decide issues.

Trust me, if you are basing your knowledge of what goes on at a Wiccan ceremony on the propaganda put out in Chick Tracts then you know nothing of the religion. Of all the religions I've experienced, I'd advise Wicca for you - if you have the temprement and the self-discipline to do it properly. Personally I'm more Asatruuar or Shinto myself.

I'm just wondering what New Age actually is? Is it a religious movement itself or is it a blanket term for a bunch of other movements - in which case can you name some of them, as I might have heard of them.
Trust me, if you are basing your knowledge of what goes on at a Wiccan ceremony on the propaganda put out in Chick Tracts then you know nothing of the religion. Of all the religions I've experienced, I'd advise Wicca for you - if you have the temprement and the self-discipline to do it properly. Personally I'm more Asatruuar or Shinto myself.

(I will not rant, I will not rant, I will not rant)

Been there and done that and must wholeheartedly disagree. Being tolerant or progressive is not always the best path to go. I am not sure that we as Christians should be tolerant (to the level portrayed in witchcraft) either.

Not exactly "tolerance" per se, but...

Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Granted, Paul was talking more about peace vs. violence, not about being tolerant of sins and people's behaviour, (full verse in context) BUT...intolerance can lead to violence.

I think Christians should have a certain amount of tolerance. As Dark Virtue pointed out, why should people of other religions be tolerant of us if we're not going to be tolerant of them? Or to flip it and word it slightly differently, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

I'm not saying to ignore sinful behaviour, but man, we all gotta get along some how so long as we insist on living/working/playing beside each other in the world.

(At this point, we could go off into a discussion on pluralism but I don't want to high-jack the thread)
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So if I don't need to tolerate people trying to convert me. Is it ok for me to curse out the next person I meet who tries to convert me.
I think everyone should be tolerant (respectfull) of other peoples views, which is y I hate it when people try to convert me. If I show respect and say if thats what u believe in, thats cool with me, y can't I get the same respect.
One of the things I've always hated about christians is they always try to push their views on u. Even when I was christian I never brought up religion unless someone was curious, and even then I was never pushy.
Gen, no offence but I'd be interested in learning the lineage of your coven? How far it is from Alexander or Gardner? I seem to remember that it wasn't part of either movement and that it wasn't a 'historical' coven either. To be honest Hollywood has a lot to answer for when it comes to 'inspiring' people to pick up a "Wiccan 101" book and jump right in. The same goes with you "Hescominsoon" - modern druidism is almost the dead bones of the religion, certainly I've met few Druids with power, but I've met some and those guys have been very interesting people. I seem to remember, again, that you were not a Druid brought up in the faith, neither were you instructed into it by those with experience. Whilst I don't seek to demean the experience either of you have had - I feel it's only fair to point out that it can't have been that great, because here both of you are, apostates!

Every reputable Wiccan I've spoken to has advocated years of study, pathworking and experience before actually allowing anyone to join a coven properly. It's not for me, personally, I always found Wiccans a little too, what's the word, academic? Detatched? Druids even more so.

I wouldn't count myself as being an expert - the people I met at the top end of both religions had invested more years in than any of the three of us have been alive. But if you want to lock horns on this, then you'd better be prepared to provide personal experience and study what is really meant by both faiths - because that's what I've done.
I think several of you have misconstrued my last post.

I wasn't referring to being tolerant of sin, the post that I replied to had nothing to do with sin. It did, however, have to do with being tolerant of the ideas of others.

See Gandhi's post above.

So again, let me ask and be more specific. If you aren't tolerant of another person's choice of religion, or in my case, lack of religion, why should we be tolerant of you and your choice of religion?

Religions have a long, long history of being intolerant of other religions, Christianity included. Why is intolerance a good thing?
You don't have to...what?

I'm not saying you HAVE to be tolerant of other religions. Just keep in mind that if you choose to go that route, then don't for one second expect ANYONE to be tolerant of YOUR religion.
How far it is from Alexander or Gardner? I seem to remember that it wasn't part of either movement and that it wasn't a 'historical' coven either.

I have not mentioned it, that is why it will not be found. I am not sure HCS even know of the background of my coven.

Regarding tolerance...where does it become a bad thing? Tolerance of a sin would allow it to continue. That seems to go against Biblical teaching
In case you missed my last post

I think several of you have misconstrued my last post.

I wasn't referring to being tolerant of sin, the post that I replied to had nothing to do with sin. It did, however, have to do with being tolerant of the ideas of others.

See Gandhi's post above.

So again, let me ask and be more specific. If you aren't tolerant of another person's choice of religion, or in my case, lack of religion, why should we be tolerant of you and your choice of religion?

Religions have a long, long history of being intolerant of other religions, Christianity included. Why is intolerance a good thing?

Dark Virtue said:
Actually most other religions can be interpreted as god/nature/whatever reaching out for man as well.

Any one in particular you feel doesn't meet this guidline?

Anything can be interpreted any way if one desires it bad enough, but if you examine the doctrines without any kind of interpreting you will see that they all require that man reach some kind of plateau , or become own gods or something similar. I have not found one that does not come to that end yet.

Christianity is truly God reaching out for us first, while we were still sinners, and offering us His grace and salvation free of charge, all we have to do is accept it. That is what makes Christianity unique.
I wsa thinking about this, and christians would believe that people of other faiths are sinners since they are not following the christian god/jesus.
Does that make sence?