Christian WoW Guilds Field Research!


New Member
Hello! My name is Dawn Davis and I am an undergraduate Religious Studies student who is writing her thesis on religion in video games! Much in the spirit of my predecessor Dr. Freeman.

This semester I am taking a course on field research and I thought it would be fun for me to study two things I love, religion and wow together. Specifically, I was hoping to join a Christian WoW guild to experience the camraderie and write about it myself. This sort of research won't be published anywhere, I'll only include what people would like included, and individual guild members can ask not to participate. If you like, I would also be happy to post everything here or to your home guild forums for review.

Basically what I'm asking is if anyone here belonging to a Christian guild on WoW would like to adopt a student for a month and a half? I'm not new to WoW, but I only have one 80 (Meida: a night elf priest on Wyrmrest Accord - you can find her in the armory!)

I plan on taking the perspective of a "participant observer" in this study, where I will play with you, guild with you, trade with you, chat with you, and all the while try to learn what I can about how you operate. There may be questions, there may be interviews, but everything only goes as far as the interviewee is willing. Everything will be done by the standards of the Saint Mary's University Research Ethics Board: I'm not here to pressure anyone, I'm just here to see how you work. Individuals are welcome to pull out their participation at any time. I want to be a fly on the wall, but of course to put in my share as well to the guild bank.

If you have any questions feel free to reply here or to send me a pm.
According to our guild leader, we're game -- pun intended. You can find our forums just down a little.

The Forgiven is found on the Alliance side of Terenas (US.) You can join us by rolling a toon or transferring over and asking around for an officer. As we are fairly large, a /who "The Forgiven" should find you a member or two at any time of the day, and they should be happy to help you go from there. Some brief interviewing will probably take place, and we might get you to brief our members on what it is you're doing.
Seeing as how you are at St. Mary's, if you need to speak with any gamers we can hook you up with a few in the South Bay if needed.

We at one time were running a dozen or so people on raid nights.
I think you're thinking of another Saint Mary's. Mine is in Nova Scotia, Canada. Which is kind of sad because I would love that.

Thanks so much for the support, guys!
She was a pretty fantastic lady. ;)

Would you like some trivia? In Halifax, we had a big problem during settlement between Protestants and Catholics. Saint Mary's University was founded by Jesuits in 1802 because Catholics weren't allowed into the other men's University in the city - Dalhousie. I assure you the rivalries remain, although not necessarily based in religion.