Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

My opinion of the day, as said by someone more eloquent than I.

Something else to keep in mind is that this goes beyond God's design for marriage (not that that isn't important enough to take a stand for) into an attack on religious freedom and freedom of speech.

Here is a quote from this page that does a good job of summarizing these kinds of attacks that are already occurring abroad:

"There are unprecedented international attacks on rights of conscience and religious expression from so-called “hate speech” regulations, allegedly designed to protect listeners from “hurtful” expressions. These laws have been used specifically and repeatedly to censor and restrict traditional Christian expression. The basis of these laws as applied is simple: any speech that any listener finds “offensive” is banned. Not surprisingly, Christian religious speech is often singled out for elimination. Several countries in Europe have already enacted legislation making it a crime to express criticism of homosexual behavior. The result: censorship of Christian biblical teaching on sexually immoral behavior, particularly as it relates to homosexual conduct."

Check out the information under the "Victory in Sweden Sets Worldwide Precedent" for an example of how these "hate speech" laws have been used in an attempt to silence pastors simply preaching from the Bible. How would have this played out if there were not organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom willing to take a stand?

Truth and love.
Ewoks I like that article because it clearly articulates some the issues of that argument that Gay is the New Black. The first time we heard that phrase, my wife and I both almost blew a fuse. We lived through the heat of the early Civil Rights movement, I more so than her. I have been caught in the riots, I have been tear gassed, I have been denied service because my friends were the wrong color. To me telling me that the Gay rights issues are in the same class and category is infuriating, it is like comparing rotten apples to perfectly ripe oranges. Yes there have been some hate crimes against the GLBT community, but far, far fewer than the propaganda would have you believe. Has the governor of a state stood on the steps of a school and sworn that gays would never get in a straight school? Never!! Can a member of the GLBT community be identified by looks and denied access, or be treated like a second class citizen? I could go on and on about my personal experiences, but please don't dump that load of trash "Gay is the New Black" on my doorstep, it is personally offensive and infuriating.
Something else to keep in mind is that this goes beyond God's design for marriage (not that that isn't important enough to take a stand for) into an attack on religious freedom and freedom of speech.

Here is a quote from this page that does a good job of summarizing these kinds of attacks that are already occurring abroad:

"There are unprecedented international attacks on rights of conscience and religious expression from so-called “hate speech” regulations, allegedly designed to protect listeners from “hurtful” expressions. These laws have been used specifically and repeatedly to censor and restrict traditional Christian expression. The basis of these laws as applied is simple: any speech that any listener finds “offensive” is banned. Not surprisingly, Christian religious speech is often singled out for elimination. Several countries in Europe have already enacted legislation making it a crime to express criticism of homosexual behavior. The result: censorship of Christian biblical teaching on sexually immoral behavior, particularly as it relates to homosexual conduct."

Check out the information under the "Victory in Sweden Sets Worldwide Precedent" for an example of how these "hate speech" laws have been used in an attempt to silence pastors simply preaching from the Bible. How would have this played out if there were not organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom willing to take a stand?

Truth and love.

Good point. Freedom of speech is a luxury we enjoy in this country and it's great, but it's not a right according to the Bible.

So before I walk into hot lava with this topic, I'll try to revise my words. We don't need freedom of speech to follow Christ. We are now starting to experience persecution in the US on a small scale compared to what our brothers and sisters around the world experience on a day to day basis. We feel persecuted when we get made fun of in the media.... others have their heads chopped off. We should welcome persecution. We should get excited about it. This is His opportunity!

Are we fighting for our personal freedoms SO THAT we are not persecuted or are we living for the Kingdom come in which freedom of speech isn't an issue for us, but rather a vehicle for the proclamation of the gospel?

As an example, a friend of ours is a missionary in Turkey. Recently in 2006, a law was made there that made it illegal to persecute someone sharing their faith. Isn't that fantastic? It was because they were trying to get into the EU at the time which has some tenets concerning religious freedoms. So they actually attempted to "test" whether this law was reality by doing open air preaching and proclaiming the gospel. They have been thrown in jail 4 times and are currently in danger of deportation. Guess what? They don't care. They just keep trying to share the love of Jesus with the Islamic people of Turkey. Why???? Because God is awesome and way more important than everything.

Politics and rulers will come and go, but God's Word remains.
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Good point. Freedom of speech is a luxury we enjoy in this country and it's great, but it's not a right according to the Bible.

So before I walk into hot lava with this topic, I'll try to revise my words. We don't need freedom of speech to follow Christ. We are now starting to experience persecution in the US on a small scale compared to what our brothers and sisters around the world experience on a day to day basis. We feel persecuted when we get made fun of in the media.... others have their heads chopped off. We should welcome persecution. We should get excited about it. This is His opportunity!

Are we fighting for our personal freedoms SO THAT we are not persecuted or are we living for the Kingdom come in which freedom of speech isn't an issue for us, but rather a vehicle for the proclamation of the gospel?

As an example, a friend of ours is a missionary in Turkey. Recently in 2006, a law was made there that made it illegal to persecute someone sharing their faith. Isn't that fantastic? It was because they were trying to get into the EU at the time which has some tenets concerning religious freedoms. So they actually attempted to "test" whether this law was reality by doing open air preaching and proclaiming the gospel. They have been thrown in jail 4 times and are currently in danger of deportation. Guess what? They don't care. They just keep trying to share the love of Jesus with the Islamic people of Turkey. Why???? Because God is awesome and way more important than everything.

Politics and rulers will come and go, but God's Word remains.


Also, watching amateurs argue about politics is amusing :)
I want some chicken. :(

That's what I got from this thread too but why, WHY I ASK YOU?!? doesn't Chick-fil-A have cream gravy on their menu? I mean chicken without cream gravy is like just chicken.

Sorry if I got to controversial there.
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Ewoks I like that article because it clearly articulates some the issues of that argument that Gay is the New Black. The first time we heard that phrase, my wife and I both almost blew a fuse. We lived through the heat of the early Civil Rights movement, I more so than her. I have been caught in the riots, I have been tear gassed, I have been denied service because my friends were the wrong color. To me telling me that the Gay rights issues are in the same class and category is infuriating, it is like comparing rotten apples to perfectly ripe oranges. Yes there have been some hate crimes against the GLBT community, but far, far fewer than the propaganda would have you believe. Has the governor of a state stood on the steps of a school and sworn that gays would never get in a straight school? Never!! Can a member of the GLBT community be identified by looks and denied access, or be treated like a second class citizen? I could go on and on about my personal experiences, but please don't dump that load of trash "Gay is the New Black" on my doorstep, it is personally offensive and infuriating.

While I believe that people calling "Gays the new Blacks" helps no one, I don't think minimizing a group's sufferage because another group once/still suffer(s) in much the same way helps either group out. The bottom line is that both groups suffer - and that's all there is to it. The notion that homosexuals chose to live their life in a such a manner that goes against the Bible escapes many people is beside the point; in America, a secular nation, no one deserves to be ridiculed because they are different, whether they chose to be or not. In the U.S., the Church can do as it wants and will not me stopped or promoted by the state - that's separation of Church and state.

End of story.
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