Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread

Speaking of Pocky...

I bought Coconut, Brazilian Pudding, and Blueberry Pocky at Super H Mart! All three are rare varieties I've never seen before.
Lol, nice one, Baron. Though MM, is there a Super H Mart trip planned before the convention on like thursday or friday?
You're lucky, the only pocky up here is Almond Crush, original, and strawberry...I don't even know what Brazilian Pudding is, lol.
Yay! I finally found my mesmer costume this morning, after days of hunting!

Now I have to iron it...you know I love my costume if I'm willing to IRON it. I hate ironing with a fiery passion, and the overskirt is large.

Edited to add: Link to old pic here...
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Dea, your gaming time is getting absored by a little online game now...just like what happened with packrat, and now dragons. I just got a drag...oh...If i get hooked on another game, i blame you XD
Hey, not to draw people off-topic in the off-topic thread.. but I'm in Web Design and this is my first real webpage. If you guys wanna check it out. Its nothing fancy as I still don't really know what I'm doing. But feedback and encouragement are always good ;).

I still have some stuff to do on it. But yea... if you guys are bored :D
Stc, looks good so far...just one typo I found: in the last paragraph on the Home page, you wrote about the youth group....you wrote just my instead of just me and the Pastor's kids. Otherwise it's really cool!

Nice going :)
