Canada to help us in the war!

Let's not confuse communism (soviet style) with socialism mmkay? They SAY they're socialist (they're the SSSR anyways) but no. Heck, they're not even communist by a long shot. Neither is China, NK, or Cuba. Socialism is state intervention through democracy. NDP = socialist. yet do they want the workers to rise up? NNNOOOOOOO. And Canada itself is hardly capitalist (compared to the US). We got what? Healthcare, benefits, etc. that yanks don't have. Get your terms right. And BTW, I'm from China, Comrade Kazansky (What's your problem, kazansky?) <-- anyone guess where that quote came from? I watch too many movies...
Cookie for Tromos!!!

Pieman also does a happy dance.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]We got what? Healthcare, benefits, etc. that yanks don't have. Get your terms right.

And we pay for it with 50% of our paycheck every year if you're a member of the middle class too don't we?  And we pay more income tax when we get a salary range!  Let's not forget the 7% GST (plus the PST you have to pay unless you're living in Alberta or the Yukon) that is added on whenever you buy something, and you can only conclude that we pay A LOT for these benefits.  It's not like the government just gives this stuff away for free you know.  If you don't use it a lot, than you're better off in the US where you can make AND SAVE a heck of a lot more money.  Also, you CAN get health insurance in the US (it's not like it's an impossibility), and the income tax rates are significantly lower (

And the fact that none of the Communist states have never been a "by the book" Communist state demonstrates that that theoretical system is difficult, if not impossible, to implement.  When you need walls to keep people in your country, you have a problem.

Where would you rather live right now; The United States, with their rampant capitalism, or any blatantly socialist state?  Me?  I'd pick the US over any socialist country any day.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Socialism is state intervention through democracy.

Is it?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so·cial·ism    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (ssh-lzm)
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.


n 1: a political theory advocating state ownership of industry 2: an economic system based on state ownership of capital [syn: socialist economy] [ant: capitalism]

What part of that definition, provided by, says "through democracy"? Left-wing means more government control on the political spectrum you know, and is therefore LESS democratic.  Which definition of socialism are you using?  Traditional socialism is likely not what you're talking about.

How long did you live in China, just out of curiousity?

I found this quote to be interesting.

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
In response to your earlier post.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]bent on paying taxes to help those people that are sick and needy

What makes you think I don't care to help people that are sick and needy? I'll help anyone who is willing to help me help them!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and for the govt's stupid make-work projects where we lose 400 m,illion dollars (BC Fast Ferries)

I'd rather we lose $400 million to that than lose $1 billion to a stupid gun registration bill.
Well, Sweden is blatantly socialist and I wouldn't mind living there. The UK is has a socialist state as regards Healthcare, Education and Welfare - so I'm happy there.

Even though I'd be one of the fortunate ones in the US - Games Designers aren't poor - I'd still feel a little unhappy to be without the safety net that the State provides, should I fall.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well, Sweden is blatantly socialist and I wouldn't mind living there.

This Swedish engineer disagrees with you:

I wont argue with you about the benefits of health care here in Canada, but it's really easy to pay for such programs when you live next door to the US. After all, we're under the protection of America's army, so our defense spending is pretty well covered there.

The only thing I would be worried about in the US is that if I got sick, I wouldn't have that health care benefit, although I have been told that you can get policies to cover you in those instances, and with the money I save in taxes I'd be able to pay for it.

If I had'nt gamed with and know a number of Canadians this would upset me..well thats not quite the does make me a somewhat disgusted...

And the flip side
Heh.  I wouldn't have minded going to that rally personally.  I live in the Greater Toronto Area.  Driving conditions were horrid though!  We just got dumped on with ice pellets and I had just taken my snow tires off about 2 weeks ago
.  Besides, I had work heh.

As for the first article.  I think that's totally stupid, but you have to keep in mind that that happened in Quebec.  General opinion in Quebec doesn't reflect that of the rest of the country.  For example, on the war issue, Canadian national polls are showing 48% are opposed, while internal polls in Quebec show that figure around 72%.
Eon to French Canadians. We kicked your arse. Spank your inner moppet. Talk to your spirit animal. Embrace inner stillness. Whatever, deal with it. Get over it. Stop hassling our allies just because you have a giant inferiority complex.

'Nuf said.
A bunch of them don't even want to be "Canadians" anymore believe it or don't. We've had about two "referendums" where the rest of the country actually tolerated a vote to allow citizens of Quebec to decide whether or not it still wanted to be a part of Canada. The results. 51% of voters wanted to stay in Canada, 49% of voters wanted Quebec to separate from Canada.

See the thing is, I love Quebec, but the separatist movement there, who seems to think they have it so bad in Canada, can leave and let the door hit them in the butt on the way out. Honestly, it's rediculous.
I don't think the door will just hit them in the butt, it'll bite and take a chunk out of them too.
Heh. Yeah.

Yo Pie, you remember that one episode of Royal Canadian Air Farce where the Bloc Quebecois won the election? Oh man, that was so funny!
I didn't watch that ep. In fact, I don't even watch TV. Not even 'news,' if that's what it's called.

I just rent/borrow the stuff I want to watch. Two shows I DO watch are 24 and Six Feet Under, via VHS or DVD. Other than that.. there's a bit of anime, and that's it.
What anime do you watch? I'm collecting Burn Up Excess (Got all four now, actually, assuming there's not more) and Excel Saga (Just have the first two DVDs). I also like NGE, which one of my friends has the box set of (I've got the first 3 DVDs).
I need to see NGE. I liked Cowboy Bebop, and I did watch some evangelion (yes, a chick flick with cool mecha, I know).

I saw GiTS (Ghost in The Shell) a few weeks ago... I did NOT understand what was going on
Funny how this quickly turned political.  Here's my bit:

Left wing socialists beleive the government owes them a living.  The government beleives the Right wing capitalists owes them a living.  And Right wing capitalists just want nothing to do with either group.

And back to the original post.  Our leaky canoe is our submarine.  And the other canoe is out of commission since that sorry incident of Mr. Canoe Head. Oh, our flying squirrel has died: Protestors stepped on it while camping in a bush and protesting for more enviromental protection in Alberta. One of the mounties is Dudley Doo Right and the other is helping some Chicago cop (Due South). That leaves us with, ahh, well, hmmm, let me see, I have a hockey stick and Don Cherry.
DUDE: We have a total ARMY of polar bears (mech infantry), geese (air force, naval air), and beavers (marines). And seals (uber-marines). And 30 million people with hockey sticks. we WILL invade your country soon. Just you wait.