BWL Nostalgia Raid - Tuesday

I think doing anything will be a tough sell, I predict:
1. Everybody who uses custom UI to be complaining about how they can't do anything now
2. Everybody is going to be wanting to do Sunwell, but the lag and broken UI's are holding them back
3. Too much lag at badge gear dude
4. Too much at arena awards

So save yourself a headache and save my ears from the complaints and go to BWL :)
You got some people like me that never never never want to see MC, BWL ever again. AQ40 once and a while but that is it. I rather take these type raids and put in a 10 man ZA or 25 man Gruul on that night.
You and mordos are the minority, 90% of the active guild has never seen AQ40 and probably close to that havent seen BWL. More than half has probably never been in MC, half the people in the BWL raid last night hadnt even been to UBRS lol
BWL was a first for me, and it wasn't even my main. I've been to the rest, but I still enjoy the nostalgic raids from time to time. I really like to see the guild do stuff together; that's why Redeemed exists. :)
Ug and Mordos are haters, Where.

But I never particularly like seeing MC often either... :D

I can see running it once and a While. I have no problem putting a full group together and actually completing the zone.

This is just my opinion if we want to do these Nostalgia Raids then least we need to completely Prep for them.

If We do MC we need to make sure we have people with water to put out the runes and some FR for Tanks.

IF we do BWL then we need people with FR gear yes even at level 70 and Ony Cloaks for everyone in the raid.

I will go but first we really need to be prep'ed and ready to go as a group not just a hey lets do this like we did with AQ40.

I mean we had a full 40 man raid with all 70s and we still go killed mulitple times by HuHu.

I am all for Nostalgia raid but I think we should prep and have signups and people that sign up need to have the correct gear. It is the same if we are going to do a 25 man Raid we need to have the correct gear to kill the boss. If we don't then it might be fun but the repair bill will not be.

I guess I need to make it clear what I feel the purposes of the raids on Tuesday night are....the ones I call Nostagia raids. I started them so that the people who weren't 70 yet could fellowship with the 70s and get their first taste of raiding.

It doesn't matter if we wipe....
It doesn't matter if we get loot....
It doesn't matter how far we get....
It doesn't matter if its mains or alts....
It doesn't matter if everyone has gear....

It is about being together and having fun. I totally understand that some people take raiding far too serious to find this fun....Avesther, Mordos, Ug..and they get frustrated at the noob mistakes and lack of progress and that doesn't make it fun for them.

I don't expect those people to be there....and I don't think less of them because of it. Everyone knows their own limits...not my job.

As I stated...its all about having is a game after all.
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Ok then I stand corrected... If that is the purpose of the Raids Goblit then I will leave it to you. It would drive me insane but that is just me. Enjoy and I am shutting up now. :)