Best iOS games?

Infinity Blade
Infinity Blade 2 (better)
Super Knock Out Boxing 2
Spice Bandits
Battleheart (fantastic)
Hero Academy
Scramble (let me know, I can facebook you)
Gem Keeper
Zombieville 1 and 2
Okay, added all non-free apps to an AppShopper wish list.

And just for the record: I will not give a single cent of my money to Zynga. Just a personal conviction.
Okay, added all non-free apps to an AppShopper wish list.

And just for the record: I will not give a single cent of my money to Zynga. Just a personal conviction.

Post reason, or pm me? I'd like to know if they have bad practices or something.
Does anyone know if it's possible to add a free app to your Apple account without immediately installing it?

I've come across a few apps I'd like to grab while they're free, but I run short on space, don't have time to clear any, then the app is no longer free by the time I have an opportunity to clear space and download it.

And some of the games are huge! Ducati Challenge was almost 700MB.
Huzzah! I found an alternative to Draw Something (that ISN'T owned by Zynga): Charadium II.

The "pro" version is free for a limited time here.

If anyone downloads the game, send me a PM with your Game Center name (or whatever ID it uses; I didn't look that closely) and I'll reply with my ID.
Maybe you should try Mayas and Aliens.
Its a really nice game that you can play with your friends too.
Take a look
Link goes to (I checked it out using LongURL because it was proGamer123's first post and a shortened link. First post + shortened link = suspicious.)

I'm not a big fan of TCG (trading card games), but I'll leave the link up in case anyone else wants to check it out.

In other news, I've played many (probably too many) iOS games since I first posted this thread last June. I'm planning on returning to this thread and posting some of my recommendations, but we'll see if I actually remember to do so. :)
Tiny Wings, Infinity Blade II, Where's My Water?, Badland, and Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery are ALL free on the iOS App Store right now.
Anyone mention Knights of the Old Republic for iPad? I know you're probably looking for iPhone, but that's news worthy. I just wish my iPad was new enough to run it.
Asphalt 8 for iOS is free this weekend.

I own the Android version and like it. The game is pretty shiny on my Galaxy Nexus. I imagine it looks even better on newer phones.

Anyone mention Knights of the Old Republic for iPad? I know you're probably looking for iPhone, but that's news worthy. I just wish my iPad was new enough to run it.
Delayed reaction: Nope, no one had mentioned KoTR for iPad before. Short of getting one for free or ridiculously cheap (say, under $100), I doubt I'll ever own an iPad.

I am considering picking up the rumored next Nexus 10 tablet if and when it launches, though.
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My favorite iOS game currently is XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I doubt it would work on a phone though, and I have heard people have had issues with the size. I like the turn based strategy for my ipad, since it is easy to pick up and drop anytime I want.
Okay, time for a blitzkrieg of iOS game suggestions, all of which I currently have installed:

Angry Birds Space (Rovio got stupid with the permissions on the Android version, but the iOS version was recently free and, as far as I can tell, the iOS version doesn't try to sniff out your GPS location to push targeted ads)
Asphalt 8
Azkend 2 (prettier than Azkend 1 but not as fun for some reason I can't quite identify)
Bad Air Day (because apparently I'm 12 years old)
Bookworm Heroes (If you pick it up, add me on Facebook and let's throw down)
Cut the Rope
Fairway Solitaire
Fluffy Diver (The permissions got REALLY stupid on Android, but again, the iOS version seems fine)
Fruit Ninja (for about 5 minutes, anyway)
Funky Smugglers
Got Cow?
Granny Smith
Hungry Sumo
League of Evil 2
Peggle (because it's Peggle, that's why)
Puzzle Retreat
Rolling Kongs
Ruzzle (If you play, message me your Ruzzle username and I'll add you. And we'll throw down.)
Shantae: Risky's Revenge (which made me wish I owned a DSi; Risky's Revenge was originally a DSiWare title, which means I can't get it for my DS Lite)
Super Lemonade Factory
Tennis in the Face
Time Surfer
Where's My Water?

All of the games listed above were free at some point or have free/demo versions available on the App Store. Thank you,!

There are a few other games I enjoyed for a short while, but can't recommend in good conscience because of my disdain for the exploitative and balance-breaking tendencies of free-to-play monetization. Such titles include: Jelly Splash, Plants vs. Zombies 2, Bejeweled Blitz, and Tetris Blitz.
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Okay, time for a blitzkrieg of iOS game suggestions, all of which I currently have installed:

There are a few other games I enjoyed for a short while, but can't recommend in good conscience because of my disdain for the exploitative and balance-breaking tendencies of free-to-play monetization. Such titles include: Jelly Splash, Plants vs. Zombies 2, Bejeweled Blitz, and Tetris Blitz.

Did you really play much PvZ2? I beat most of it and really never felt I had an issue with the monetization. The game was challenging but honestly not hard and I saw no need to pay for boosts.

Also Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery is a sweet experience that I highly recommend all check out at some point.
Did you really play much PvZ2? I beat most of it and really never felt I had an issue with the monetization. The game was challenging but honestly not hard and I saw no need to pay for boosts.
No, I didn't play that much of the game yet. I've only played up to the fourth level of the second world, so I admit I can't make a fair assessment. I decided to include PvZ2 in the list more because of trends I've seen in other EA games, but I suppose that wasn't fair of me. PvZ2 is fun to play and I'd recommend it for others who enjoyed the first PvZ.

Also Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery is a sweet experience that I highly recommend all check out at some point.
Thanks to a previous Humble Bundle, I have S&S on both Android and PC and decided to play it on PC for the larger screen. I'd recommend S&S to others as well, though the game's slower pace and my preference for faster-paced games (especially on mobile) made the PC version a better fit for me.
I'm bumping this thread to recommend Monument Valley. I scooped it up for $0.99 during the sale (yay for $15 rebate gift cards!) and have been thoroughly enjoying it.