
Are the two mutually exclusive?

And of course, there's a third alternative; it's complete baloney, insomuch as most aromatherapy has genuine benefits only as far as believing in the effectiveness of aromatherapy has benefits - namely, that of a placebo.

And in fact, unless I've misunderstood the claims of aromatherapy and the research that's gone into it, I'd put it on par with the likes of the Quantum Prayer System! (Link may induce projectile vomiting)
NO! aromatherapy is EVIL! EVIL I SAY!

The smells! The Nasuea!

EEK! LAVENDER! *runs/hides*

It gets up my nose (well, duh) and gives me a headache

I therefore conclude that the practice of setting fire to natural oils for therapeutic purposes is occult in nature!

edit: that's not to say that aromatherapy is permissible in big cities. The nature of aromatherapy is occult. You know what I mean. Okay, forget I even said anything.
It all depends on how/why it is used, just like anything else. I personally like certain scented candles, some are relaxing and some just smell nice (like the evergreen ones at Christmas time!).

I have used lavendar scented shampoos/soaps and like them. I know some may not find the aroma pleasing, but to me it is relaxing. Chamomile on the other hand I can't stand. I have used the plug-in type of scented aromas in the bathrooms to help mask odors.

Aromas are no more evil than having a bouquet of flowers in the room
What about the simple act of burning incense? Burning incense has been part of Christianity and Judiasm since the beginning.

Maybe, it is in the context of how and why you are using it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Drelin @ April 16 2004,3:50)]Well, who thinks that aromatherapy has genuine therapeutic benefits? Why / why not?
I personally don't believe aroma therapy has genuine health benefits...I think it's just the placebo effect. But then again...whatever works, works.
I think aromatherapy has potential.  I mean I don't really see the problem, it's not connected to spiritual beliefs, you're not bowing down and worshipping the great lavender bush (bush?  tree?  not too sure...) everytime you smell stuff.  In fact it's proven that smells can be very soothing and relaxing.  I mean, take the extreme as an example.  The locker rooms in the gym don't smell great, and in fact make me wanna leave as quickly as possible.  So if smells can make one tense and ready to run, can't they calm and soothe as well?
God did create us with a sense of smell. Again, back to the context of why you decided to do aromatherapy? I enjoy my Glade plugins and I don't sit there smelling them hoping my spiritual self is taken to some far off plain of existance where I can transcend my inner selfs and become one with Gaia.

Rather, I have a dog, two cats, a bird some gerbals in the house and it is better to come home to some lavender vs animal dander smells.