
In the church, unfortunately there are times where people go on a demon search. devil in this, devil in that. can't have drums in church, can't say 13, can't walk under a ladder, here wear st James knuckle bone, and you will dream sweet dreams.

How many incence are listed in the bible. How many oils. The anointing of a king, the anointing of a priest. Such a good oil, good smell that God commanded that no one, other than the priests were aloud to make it.

I'm not into it personally, my wife loves that hippy stuff.


if you buy an incense stick and it says, love potion blah blah blah, it's probably just marketing for little 13 year old girls, who buy it will a giggle.

Beware though, as some things ( incense, crystals, necklaces, even music) when people make them pray over them.)

As a christian i believe i have authority over that aswell, but i am carefull about what i invite into my life. So no inviting vampires in the house, after dark.

Minor chords are not evil, farts are not evil (in that sence), and neither is anything else smelly.

one thing we forget.

