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I was about to get off soon after getting your message, and was playing split-screen at the time...sorry...

NP, maybe next time :)

Great to hear Alias. Unfortunately I will be out of town for about 2 weeks. If you don't mind, I'll go ahead and request a friendship now though.
whats the deal with only having 2 of the 3 dlc on the disc? that kindof stinks. i like the idea of dlc being available on disc as well as digital because i cant trade off my $15 GRAW 1 pack that i bought 2 weeks before everyone stopped playing it. plus it would be a good service to those that cant get xbox live.
May 2010 Chapter Reports due!

It's that time again, no, no....we already tarred and feathered Cassadine this month. It's time for May's chapter reports!! Please go here and post your report for the month of May!
Only one of them seems to be a re-make of the MW1 maps (can't remember the name, sadly). I only got a chance to play or watch them be played through once at work yesterday.

All I can really say is that the one of the trailer park is TINY. It rivals rust in size, so it'll be fun to play in groups or 4-8 (8 will be psychotically killtastic!)
Red Dead Redemption

Is anyone playing this? I've yet to check out the multiplayer, but now that I beat the story it's gonna happen soon.

Probably one of the best games I've played in a long while, it's nice to see Rockstar do something and create flawed characters that actually have redeeming qualities. Amazing game.
Didn't buy the first ones, and won't buy these...$3/map is total rip off...I don't know why anyone should being paying for maps in a game that cost $, I could barely afford the $60... -.-
i agree. knowing that activision has made enough money off of the sales of the game itself to burn a herd of wet horses makes it difficult to feel good about paying that price. i admit i bought the first pack because i still have friends playing the game, but i am so sick of getting matched with people that have logged 6 months of time on the game. i have gravitated towards other games and other platforms for a while.
I mostly just play offline/splitcreen anyways...and the lack of splitcreen online support really killed the online experience for me...since almost ALL other multilayer games offer it...makes it so that my wife and I can play online without having 2 Xbox's...

IW wanted to price their map packs at $10 (which is still more than I would pay, but that is actually worth me thinking about it), Activision said $20, so they met in the they priced the 2nd one the same...

Also, it is becoming more and more easier to hack and bot online...seems like it is common to have a nuke go off within a minute of a match now -.-
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O.o ...are you serious? Have often do you play online? In an hour of 3-5 games, I will see at least 2...well...when I used to play online...haven't been online with MW2 in 2-3 weeks...
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