Alive alert awake and enthusiastic

Ive got new armor

its got a -2 to urbin comaflojing a -2 to woodland camiflojing and a -2 to desert camo. they sent me down to kawait to get the new digital uniform so now Im runing around in a uniform that realy dosnt blend with anything but thats ok now I can go out on misions agian insted of babysiting Iraqi workers I cant wait well Just keeping updated cant wait till were stateside God bless you all and thank you all for your sopport

and sorry for the poor spelling
My prayers are with you. I read the studies on when they were making the uniforms, interesting idea, but I think it is flawed somewhat for close to medium ranges, but it does seem to work better at greater distances.
I second what Maid Mirawyn said....I don't care about your spelling - I'm just glad to see you posting.

Thanks so much for what you are doing for us...

Continued prayers coming your way.
just posting to say still alive and praising the lords name

I thank you all for the prayers Ive been having a tough time wondering whatI would do in 6 mounths when Im out but it all fell thrught. thanks again for all the prayers and thank you drew for IMing. Talk to you all later hopfuly somthing exiting will finaly happen around here but for now jsut the same ol babbysitting
ya thanks a lot dude, it really means a lot. praying for your safty and protection, dont forget to bring a healer hench with you when you go out :p.
PS. stay safe and dont worry about spelling, just post just se we know that ur ok. (and i cant spell at all either)

Sorry its been a while I finaly figured out how to use the pasword recovery Im finaly off of the babbysitting detail and with my Unit

we havent been doing much latly exept bissy work we poored a concreat pad the other day but exept for that we havent done anything exiding and agian Im sorry for the huge absense thank you all agian and hope to be on Team Speek agian by christmas
No apologies needed Sherman. Good to hear from you, as always. Glad to hear you're doing well.
Hey Sherman! Great to hear you're still doing well. And of course you don't need to apologize for being gone. Just glad you got your password!
Reminder to everyone:

Keep Sherman in your prayers! He went back overseas in early January, after getting to "enjoy" Colorado's unique December weather. I don't know if he's back in the Middle East again yet.
ill be praying.
P.S. if you can beet my bad spelling you deserve a medal (the only reason you can read this is spell check)
Hey Sherman, glad to hear from ya. as always with your posts and our responce you dont need to be sry, we should be sry for not supporting you and the people working with you enough.
Thank you again!