
Noted this in another thread, but if you do the quests in the wayfarer's reverie event now, which is just visiting locations, you end up with a tormented weapon. It's worth a point itself if you don't already have a tormented weapon, and another if it's your first weapon.
They are varied, and it would be quite good if you had beaten the campaigns. Areas in the beginning, middle and end are in the quest requirements.
Does anyone have any of these mini's unded? These are all whites.

Cloudtouched Simian
Desert Griffon
Dredge Brute
Forest Minotaur
Harpy Ranger
Jade Armor
Krait Neoss
Roaring Ether
Terrorweb Dryder
Thorn Wolf
Whiptail Devourer
Wind Rider

Also looking for advice I have 51 ecto and about 50 plat to spend... what would be the best thing to spend that one for points? (aside from the aforementioned minis)
I have a Jade Armor for you. I should be on tonight around 10pm eastern time. My main character is Cadeyrn Llywarch.
=D Just found out I could just drink my ales for my drunkard title instead of actually sitting and waiting so I have finished that title =D (already had everything I needed for it) =D
Just thought I would extend an invitation to any of you guys to join me in acquiring some Clothes of the Brotherhood. I am in game right now (10:15pm et) and will be on for another hour or so. PM Cadeyrn Llywarch if you have access to the Central Transfer chamber and want to join in.