

Slave to Christ.
So I finally broke down and ordered GW2 (I was wanting to hold off for $ reasons but decided against that)

So here's my questions... I haven't played GW for years... I'm sure I have a few birthday presents sitting on my characters, any suggestions on what I should do in preparation for GW2? I haven't been following GW2 very closely (busy enough as it is) but have been waiting for the game for years.
Head here, enter your GW1 character name and see how much you can get in 2 weeks. If you're close to a thing or two that can bump you to another item/tier I'd go for it, but ultimately it's a little late to try and get 35/50. Not to worry though, they are only for show and I doubt people will be using them in a month (at least on character's they've been playing for a while). Other than that, update the client as soon as possible! Welcome to the swarm! :p
First, open your presents, if you get any gold mini's give them to me. Then follow Stc's advice. ;)

Have you beaten all the campaigns?
I guess there's no reason to keep my 2 pre characters eh? I guess I could take them post so I can get credit for the minis?

Got mini eye of janthir and shiro out of my 2 7 year presents.
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That's not bad! That means you already get your heritage armor, which is the bulk of items. Plus you get a pretty gnarly walking stick! Like I said, depending on where you're at you might be able to get that number up a little more. At the very least it'll keep you occupied until GW2 is released (something I envy greatly..)
pre-searing? one of the titles is for leveling a character to 20 in pre-searing, up to you if you think its worth it :p

a rare and a unique? how lucky can you get...
i gotta save up to buy a rare mini after i finish getting my luxon gloves and boots. HoM points are getting more and more expensive :(
How often does the website update? I just dedicated a ton of Mini's and they're not showing up yet. Also... I guess I need to do some quests to get more tapestries in the HoM so I can get more points?
Okie, up to 10 just with my mini's. a few short from the 30 mini pet mark I think. (maybe more than a few I don't know, it says 80%)
I was able to buy some tapestries. :) I Noticed I'm 568 points into the drunkard title on my monk haha... with 151 dwarven ale and 108 grog... Guess I'm not getting that title haha.

If anyone wants to add me I'll try and be on.
Elgcahl Maelthra