A new and improved the person below me part V

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True, and hopefully Antherialli, Abital and I can find more to go through LBRS with us tonight!

The person below me will help us out.

I'd love to be leveling my Fury, but, alas, we're going to see some friends tonight (plans in RL?? Say it ain't so!), so that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

The person below me will not make the same mistake I did.
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False, but I know the guy who brought it to us so that helps, oh wait that was you Baddwin....

The person below me is tired of watching football.
True, but only because WVU blew their chance to go to the Championship game.

The person below me is now cheering for tOSU.
True, love it...Had mine for a year now...and do not regret the 2 hours standing in 20 degrees and windy to get it...

The person below me had to wait in a line for at least 2 hours to get there Wii (doesn't have to be in the cold)...
False. I don't have a Wii, nor do I like the system too much...

The person below me has had a LAN of COD4 from 7p.m.-6a.m. and only got up to go to the bathroom and answer the door because of pizza...
True, but for different games, and that was a while ago...

The person below me thinks we are nerds :(
True, I think I have only read like 2 books in my entire live, including ones with pictures...

The person below me likes audio books...
False. I often find myself with the headphones off while watching T.V.

The person below me got a subscription card for x-mas?
Hmm....False...I slept until noon...and sushi first thing would be ucky!

The person below me has an aquarium full of killer fish.
False, but there used to be one of those in my house in college. *glances at Icthus*

The person below me doesn't make New Year's resolutions.
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