A new and improved the person below me part V

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true . ive been to canada once or twice so i know the area.

the person below me wishes they had a moment of silence.
uh no... i cant stand silence... ill talk to myself if there is silence

the person below me thinks its weird to talk to yourself
no way!, it's totally cool to talk to yourself. hard to find others to talk to when your in a padded room with a straightjacket. true story.

the person below me is glad they give Lloren internet access in the nutshouse.
Hmmm....falrue? or is it tralse?

The person below me is aware of the strange and sudden silence that accompanies the reaching of the end of the internet.
nope im having cookies and pepsi for dinner! *dads at church thingy and im to lazy to cook*

person below has a craving for something but not sure what it is
Thats totally true! Any suggestions?

The person below me is thinking about the cookout that they are having tomorrow.
True i was just looking at the, thinking your working as hard as i am

The person below wishes druid flight form was a full dragon with all the bells and whistles of such
False, druid flight form is already sweet as possible.

The person below thinks druid flight form should be able to use a riding crop so druids can whip themselves into going faster. But in doing so takes 1/10th of their health in damage every 2 seconds. :)
False, I think they'd have to be icemelons.

The person below me thinks watermelon Jolly Ranchers were the best.
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