A new and improved the person below me part V

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True, and I do often enough. And on a side note, I'm not really that big on going camping this weekend. I think I'll be sleeping in the car, at least its comfortable on my back.

The person below thinks I should tell my friends to call of the camping trip and save their money for the big trip we are doing in June.
yeah, that would be so much nicer then sharing a hole in the ground for a toilet.

the person below figure I should not go camping, like call in sick or something.
TRUE!.....is that bad that neither of us wants to go?......I mean...it wasn't me they talked into it...I'm just along for the ride.....and the hours of silence while you all golf (yuck)

The person below me wants to help me clean my car while all the other grown ups whack a ball at the horizon then chase it in a little cart.
False, horizon? Aren't you giving them too much credit? The are hacking at the ground then chasing the balls into the trees.

The person below me is excited to see Summer on the horizon.
True. It means my birthday is near! <glee>

The person below me is glad I resurrected this thread.
No not really, but it gives me a reason to post now and then.

The person below me... wishes for more fan fiction.....
False, I think the people around here are more fun the stranger they are...

The person below me is hoping the beta server comes up today so that they can <NDA>.
true, Rhubarb cake is yummy

The person below is as dense as I and will eat Rhubarb cake despite having a wisdom tooth pulled and their mouth being in immense pain.
yes, I love rhubarb pie (cake? teh cake is lie)

the person below me is building a boat big enough to fit two of every animal inside.
Nope but my neighbor is...

The person below me is wondering if Boswer is going to show up on his door step unannounced tomorrow night...
False, Not sure if he knows where Canada is :P

The person below knows what the capital of Canada is, where it is and is not Canadian.
True. But I have maps, unlike some US Americans in the Iraq and South Africa such as. Actually, I'm just a geography buff. It goes hand in hand with being a history buff.

The person below me got the maps reference in the last paragraph.
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