A new and improved the person below me part V

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The person below me thinks it would be cool if Abital, Schmeea and I could do dinner with the Bay Area crew in April.
True, are you proposing something? When are you here for a sales meeting?

the person below me is just a geek.
False, I'm a blend of geek and nerd. I score very low in dork, though.

The person below me has seen a pair of killer frogs roaming about recently.
Prayer works. :P

The person below me is suddenly hungry for Lasagna. Don't deny it! :O
False, but a nice white fish poached in butter with lime and mushrooms sounds nice.

The person below me is ready for a great adventure.
True, I do

The person below me was the person who posted after the page refreshed before the person below them will post.
WHAT?!? False...

But, I did sign Baddwin up for a back country Yosemite trip if I can get a certian Chicagoian family to make the trek this year or maybe next.

The person below me wonders why Baddwin and I use this forum to discuss personal stuff.

I meant to answer itch's post

but Due beat me with those lighting fingers

The person below me hates when they're beaten to Ethe post
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Er...I missed this one.


Yosemite - ooOOOooOOOO....that could be fun.

Baddwin & Icthus' personal message board - because it's ours. All ours!! Mwahahaha-*cough* *hack*-hahahahaha....

Getting Ninja-posted - I've gotten beat out in replying by 4 or 5 minutes - never by 8 hours. Hmmm....

The person below me hopes I'm done with my stream of consciousness posting in this thread.
< >_>... Uses his dictator power to skip that one... so that would be a true, I suppose.>

The person below me missed both forums when they were both down yesterday:(

<throws a something at nevi for taking his other spamboard© down!>

The person below me will not use the word "Spamboard" as it is copywrited (©) by yours truly.
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False. I'm gonna use it just out of protest.

Dictator, hah. Maybe the tinpot kind....

The person below me wants me to iron my shirts on my new Spamboard. Then go diving off of the Spamboard at the pool. And, when they post too much, they get Spambored.
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