A new and improved the person below me part V

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FALSE, we are now in the middle of ours, even though it has been between 10-30 degrees for about 2 months now...2 more months to go... :(

The person below me has lower than 0 degrees for at least one week during the winter...
True, Montana gets cold.

The person below me told someone about the gift of salvation through Christ today.
False. Haven't seen anyone which is sort of strange. Can I count yesterday?

The person below me longs for the days of old.
Truish. What I would like is to have the conveniences of today, coupled with the late 70's to early 80's when you could leave your car unlocked, let your kids play outside until after dark without fear of kidnapping, and when kids spent more time outside than watching TV or playing on the PC.

The person below me lived in those days.
I lived in the 70s and 80s but we weren't allowed out after it was dark....and we always locked the cars in the city...the TV was always going.....wish I lived in the area you did lol

The person below me had a curfew different than .."when it gets dark"
true, but I can't remember what it was. i used to just sneak out anyways and hang out by the lamp post down the street and read books.

The person below me has read a book already this year.
False, although I'm on page 330 or so in the book, "Hawaii", by James Michener.

The person below me likes to read at badtime.
True, I am reading the "golden budha ' now, about a mercenary team that is stealing a fake gold budha, to hide the fact they are stealing the real one to confuse the bad guys from getting either. I love these types of books. its from the same person who wrote Sahari.

The person Below me would like to see more of me on the server :)
True, and it is doing wonders for my bank account.

The person below me hasn't done a pull-up since high school.
False, well true, well Define pull up?

The person below me is old enough to consider getting out of bed as a legitimate pull up.
False... But, I do know some that would agree with you.

The person below me is looking at sunny and 60's all week long.

Another cold front came through today here...*brrr*

The person below me wants to go snuggle under some blankets, watch some TV and drink some hot chocolate for the rest of the morning.
Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad gig, so long as I can bring my bride with me. =)

The person below me is hungry.
True, I stayed up until 1:30 AM playing a demo of Railroads. I have not done that in a long time.

The person below me is amazed Xion can eat in 5 minutes.
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