yes yes Lazarus I stole your idea. Sue me. Wait, you can't... you didn't publish or copyright it. HAW!
Well, you've all been waiting eagerly for the next installment, and here it is!
Chapter 11
WBK awoke on the floor of a corridor. He looked around and noticed the remnants of his sonic grenade and trace of blood on the floor.
Why hasn't anyone gotten me out of here? he wondered.
[it seems we forgot, huh?

He walked down the hall and turned right into the dining hall. Dorkelf sat dejectedly at a table next to Tek7, who was trying to cheer him up. WBK cast a glance over at Manyik's table, where the whole Rho/Kel clan was having breakfast.
"...and then the fork says, 'That's no soup spoon!' Ha ha, but seriously, folks..." Popcorn Boy was telling a hilarious joke, it seemed, for everyone at the table laughed. WBK tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh, hi Bill. Where've you been? It's January 03, 2007! You missed the greatest party EVER! Chicken Soup had a root beer drinking contest against Atown and won after five hours. He had to use the bathroom on and off all night and missed the ball in Times Square drop!"
"Er, right. Why hasn't anyone been looking for me?"
"Ummm... want to hear another joke?"
Darth Dapor stood in front of a man who had promised information pertaining to the whereabouts of HCS.
"Do you have the info?" he asked the man.
"Do you got the money?" asked the man.
"Do you got enough ebonics?" asked Dapor, rolling his eyes. "Yes, here you go. Two thousand dollars, all in twenties and fifties, as requested."
"Good... now listen closely!" the man hissed, leaning close to Dapor, who leaned in to listen. The man, instead of giving him the information, threw his fist into Darth Dapor's solar plexus, winding him.
"Sucker," he snickered. Dapor gasped for breath and struggled to his feet. He pulled out a modified and silenced Beretta pistol and promptly shot the fleeing man in the back of the knee. The man screamed and dropped the small suitcase of cash, clenching his wounded knee.
"You shouldn't do that," gasped Dapor, finally regaining some of his wind. "You should never do that to me. EVER."
The man stood on one foot and hurled a throwing knife in Dapor's direction. Bad mistake. Dapor held out his index and middler finger and caught the knife, by the blade, between them.
"You seemed to have misplaced this," yelled Dapor, hurling it back at the man.
To make a long and gruesome story short, Darth Dapor lost no money that day.
End of Chapter 11
I'll write more today, I know that's a bit of a short chapter