A book in progress...

yes yes Lazarus I stole your idea. Sue me. Wait, you can't... you didn't publish or copyright it. HAW!

Well, you've all been waiting eagerly for the next installment, and here it is!
Chapter 11

WBK awoke on the floor of a corridor. He looked around and noticed the remnants of his sonic grenade and trace of blood on the floor.
Why hasn't anyone gotten me out of here? he wondered.
[it seems we forgot, huh? :p]
He walked down the hall and turned right into the dining hall. Dorkelf sat dejectedly at a table next to Tek7, who was trying to cheer him up. WBK cast a glance over at Manyik's table, where the whole Rho/Kel clan was having breakfast.
"...and then the fork says, 'That's no soup spoon!' Ha ha, but seriously, folks..." Popcorn Boy was telling a hilarious joke, it seemed, for everyone at the table laughed. WBK tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh, hi Bill. Where've you been? It's January 03, 2007! You missed the greatest party EVER! Chicken Soup had a root beer drinking contest against Atown and won after five hours. He had to use the bathroom on and off all night and missed the ball in Times Square drop!"
"Er, right. Why hasn't anyone been looking for me?"
"Ummm... want to hear another joke?"
Darth Dapor stood in front of a man who had promised information pertaining to the whereabouts of HCS.
"Do you have the info?" he asked the man.
"Do you got the money?" asked the man.
"Do you got enough ebonics?" asked Dapor, rolling his eyes. "Yes, here you go. Two thousand dollars, all in twenties and fifties, as requested."
"Good... now listen closely!" the man hissed, leaning close to Dapor, who leaned in to listen. The man, instead of giving him the information, threw his fist into Darth Dapor's solar plexus, winding him.
"Sucker," he snickered. Dapor gasped for breath and struggled to his feet. He pulled out a modified and silenced Beretta pistol and promptly shot the fleeing man in the back of the knee. The man screamed and dropped the small suitcase of cash, clenching his wounded knee.
"You shouldn't do that," gasped Dapor, finally regaining some of his wind. "You should never do that to me. EVER."
The man stood on one foot and hurled a throwing knife in Dapor's direction. Bad mistake. Dapor held out his index and middler finger and caught the knife, by the blade, between them.
"You seemed to have misplaced this," yelled Dapor, hurling it back at the man.

To make a long and gruesome story short, Darth Dapor lost no money that day.
End of Chapter 11

I'll write more today, I know that's a bit of a short chapter
You forget that it is automatically copyrighted! Now I'll sue you into oblivion, pal.

Btw- nice chapter.
So I didn't write another chapter that day. Sue me. (Er, not really.)

Chapter 12

Chicken Soup's ATV roared down the forest path. His pump-action 12 gauge shotgun was on a sling across his back, and he was in full army camo. Two Beretta pistols were at his waist, and a dirk (a very long knife) was strapped to his right thigh. His helmet visor was slightly fogged and the front had several smashed bugs smeared across it. He was meeting with Maid Mirawyn, who promised to come quietly- after all, she had only wanted to prevent what she called "useless killing of a great man."
n00b, thought C$. He arrived at a huge, gnarled oak tree which supposedly was their meeting place. He left the ATV running and loaded five shells into his shotgun. He kept his helmet on, for he had been knocked on the head by unknown would-be assassins too long to do otherwise. He spun around at the sound of a voice.
"Hello there, Soup boy," greeted Maid Mirawyn, who wore body armor over every inch of her body and a Star Wars-esque helmet.
"Expecting more company?" he growled, placing the sight bead on his shotgun right at her torso.
"Afraid so, my dear. You always were a tricky one, after all. By the way, is my husband well?" she replied conversationally.
"He's an emotional wreck, you..." C$ was about to say more, but he felt that it would be best to not raise tempers any further than he had to.
"Oh. That is a shame," observed Maid wistfully. "I don't suppose you told him the news of my little, er, escapade in a decent manner?"
"Pfft. Ask Dark Virtue. For all I respect him, he sure can't write a letter explaining that one's wife just slapped CGA in the face, metaphorically of course."
"Ah. Well, I suppose you'll be escorting me, then?"
"See, that's what I cannot let you do. This was a trap to take you prisoner- in fact, I believe that the ambush is here now!" she exclaimed gleefully. He heard several leaves crunch and a twig snap and, cursing, he fired a load of buckshot at Maid Mirawyn. She was taken aback as she was flung backwards several feet. Chicken Soup whirled around to face the attackers, his shotgun at the ready. Three women and eight men faced him, all with an assault rifle of some sort. He grunted as the shotgun kicked his shoulder in recoil as he felled what appeared to be their leader. His eyes grew wide as they fired in return, and he rolled behind his ATV. Bullets pinged off the bulletproof metal as he slung his shotgun onto his back and pulled out a flashbang grenade. He pulled the pin and hurled it behind him, clenching his eyes shut and shoving his fingers into his ears. Even with his ears blocked, the sound of the grenade left them ringing as he rolled back into the open, Berettas drawn, and unloaded both. He reloaded them and sheathed them in the holsters, replacing them with his shotgun. However, there was no need. They were all dead. He heard a chuckle and whirled to see Maid Mirawyn limp towards him with a .44 revolver in her hands. Her body armor had protected her from the shot, but it was in tatters and was almost useless now where it was hit.
"You have done well, for a kid. What were you again? Twelve?" she goaded. Chicken Soup clenched his teeth and pumped the shotgun, the empty shell from the previous shot falling soundlessly to the ground.
"You always were a fighter. Oh well, what waste of talent!" she stated, firing. The bullet passed through Chicken Soup's middle, and from her view it looked like a giant invisible hand had shoved him. He lay motionless on the ground. She laughed mercilessly and limped over to him until she stood over him. Wincing from the pain in her ankle, she crouched and put her index and middle finger on his wrist, feeling for a pulse. She frowned as he moaned and frowned even more when he threw his fist into her stomach where the body armor was most damaged. She coughed in suprise and doubled over, attempting desperately to regain her breath. She felt another blow knock off her helmet and her red hair stood up in a way that said "Hello, I forgot to brush my hair this morning. Lookie! I have static!". C$ drew his foot-long dirk, placing the blade on her neck with just enough pressure that is was painful but didn't make her bleed.
"I believe you are coming with me," hissed Chicken Soup.

End of Chapter 12
he he. I dunno but in movies a lot of the time my favorite character is the bad guy.
Sorry guys I've been busy and have another story on CCGR.org *lol*
Chapter 12

Maid Mirawyn was bound in leather cords and titanium chains and led back to CGA. Chicken Soup escorted her to a dark room with a fireplace and then left to have his injuries tended to (including the bullet that miraculously didn't hit anything vital as it passed through his gut). She waited patiently for a while before one2dredd walked into the room and, cutting free her bound hands, had her stand against a wall with her arms spread. A moment later, steel braces slammed together from out of the walls. O2D sighed with resignation and extreme sadness as he pulled a metal rod out of the fireplace.
"It has to be done, Mirawyn," he informed her. Her eyes grew wide in horror and her chest heaved with fright as he pulled her right sleeve up to her elbow.
"I really am sorry," he mumbled, driving the brand, which said "t3h h4xx0rx!!" into her arm. She screamed in pain and dredd grimaced at the hissing of burning flesh. He lifted the brand and saw that the words were burned into her arm forever.
"Try not to hyperventilate," he muttered in sorrow as he fled the room.

End of Chapter 12

yeah yeah I'm busy.. lol
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;201719 said:
Where exactly was Paul?!?

Ask HIM, sheesh!!
Chapter 13

Maid Mirawyn was led down a hallway to another room. Along the way, she saw Dorkelf. She met his gaze, but he just looked down at the floor, ashamed. She new that he had not been allowed to see her.
[ahem. there you go, WBK.]
She was led to a room with two others: Chicken Soup and someone she had not seen before. Inside was SirThom.
"All of you here have been branded with a mark of shame. One of you has a 'special' one," he said, casting a forlorn glance over the three. "Maid Mirawyn has been branded 't3h h4xx0rx!!' for rebellion and treason and affiliation with hackers. Chicken Soup..." he trailed off. Chicken Soup merely gave a lop-sided smirk and held up his arm, which had a "B" and a "+", a "B" for the first ban and a plus sign for the current. Thom just rolled his eyes.
"C$ was being himself again. I'm sure you all figured that out. And our newer member here, stinky_poo_poo [this is a made up member!] has spammed without holding back, and has threatened us and has even put a sack of burning manure on my front porch. I am ashamed of all of you. Except Chicken Soup... I sort of saw it coming. Only, due to the nature of current circumstances, it is only a temporary ban since we need his services."

And with that they were led away to their solitary confinement cells.

End of Chapter 13
Sorry folks, here's a NEEEEEW t3h ch4pt0rz
Chapter 14 (or 15? with 2 12s and all :eek:)

Maid Mirawyn was going crazy with solitude. She couldn't bear to be in this cold, metal cell any longer. If it weren't for the fact that she had somehow gotten herself tied to the ceiling with her own socks in a desperate attempt to escape and wasn't immobilized, she would have been throwing herself at the door in delirium. Her only comfort would have been the music they played, but as it was they seemed to only have an endless supply of easy-listening Muzak. Reminds me of my days in Australia, she thought as she tried to free herself by gnawing her trapped leg off.

"How's she doing?" asked dorkelf cautiously. Tek7 looked up from the camera screen and sighed.
"She seems to have tied herself to the ceiling of her cell block, somehow, with her own socks, and now she's trying to chew through her leg to get down," he replied wryly. Dorkelf's eyes bulged and he virtually flew to the screen, letting out a sorrowful cry as he saw her hanging there.
"You have to let her down!" he yelled, groping for the "release prisoner" button. Tek7 firmly pushed him away and sat him back down in the chair.
"This is part of our banning process, I'm afraid. In two weeks, she'll be released to a higher authority, where she will probably be jailed. You're lucky to have such a resilient wife, though. Chicken Soup is going through emotional trauma like we've never seen." He switched the camera view to C$'s cell, where it showed C$ shaking and trying to open a non-existent can of Campbells.
"It's bad, all right," muttered Tek.