Erm... maybe...

Chapter 5
Dorkelf pulled into his driveway with the GTO (it was finally out of the shop!) and honked the customised "La Cucaracha" horn in greeting. He saw Maid Mirawyn look up from the powerful piece of machinery formerly known as a Smart Car (now it had "THE MAID MIRA-MOBILE" in chrome letters across the hood), shrug, and went back to cleaning the candy wrappers and Campbells cans left behind by a certain unnamed CGA member.
"Ummm... honey?" asked Dorkelf. "What happened to our Smart Car?"
"This," replied Maid, pressing a button. Instantly, it grew taller and wider, with armor plates appearing from out of nowhere, and a CROWS gunnery system appeared around the top.
"Like my ride? You can thank C$."
"I should have known."
Hescominsoon (HCS) walked casually down a corridor of the CGA underground fortress. He took a peek into the server room, and, seeing no one in sight, slipped inside. He pressed a button on his watch, and within seconds the security camera monitoring the area shut down. He crept over to the main console, inserted a CD, and began copying and downloading vital information such as system passcodes, detailed maps of the interior and exterior that included mini-maps of where security cameras and the like where located and what area they covered, and all sorts of things a certain organization would love to get their hands on. He hummed a small tune while he waited. Within minutes, the download was complete- the CGA computers were among the world's best.
He left the room, reactivating the cameras as he went. He heard a voice as he sidled along a wall, a voice of someone who he knew should've been away on vacation.
"What are you doing?" asked WildBillKickoff, tossing a sonic grenade to himself as he approached.
"Just popping into the server room to make sure everything was all right. You know, with the hacker-scare and all."
" didn't do ANYTHING else?" asked a skeptical WBK.
"Of course not," snapped HCS. "Do you have anything better to do than to interrogate a very busy administrator?"
"Well, yes. But I don't think you had any business in there, legal or illeg-" WBK was cut off when HCS whipped around and tasered him. WBK, being a big fellow, was able to resist long enough to toss the sonic grenade in his hand, letting his jaw go slack as he did it. The grenade bounced off the floor and rolled to HCS's feet.
"Ah..." HCS had no time to think as it detonated with a mighty sound that, to him, felt like the very blood vessels in his body were about to burst as the sound waves pulsed through him. WBK was safe- his jaw was slack, not clenched as HCS's was, so his teeth remained untouched, and the auto-buffer earplugs he wore sealed his ears shut the moment the sound blasted through the hallway. However, HCS wasn't so safe- he could now hear nothing and his teeth shattered. WBK lapsed into unconsciousness from the taser and HCS fled, ears and mouth bleeding, from the scene and out of CGA's headquarters. Later, he would have his inner ear rebuilt and metal jaws and teeth surgically implanted into his head, but for now he was helpless. Unfortunately for CGA, though, he still made it out.
The traitor had been exposed!
End of Chapter 5