4 billionth signup sheet...


New Member
Ok. this is to see who is interested in raiding. Sign up here now!
Also list class and role. thanks :)
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bam. this guy is interested ^^

Lloren / Healadin / ilvl Low Enough to Party
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Interested for sure. Tuesdays would be best for me though.

If you don't know what I do, you betta ASK somebody!
I bring the Retribution!
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I play every role, mostly.

Azami (Shaman)- DPS/Heals
Legnase (Priest) - Heals/DPS
Kataki (Warrior) - DPS/Tank
Orionia (Hunter) - DPS
Delphinus (Mage) - DPS
Isperia (Death Knight) - DPS/Tank
Seton (Druid) - Heals/DPS
I play every role, mostly.

Azami (Shaman)- DPS/Heals
Legnase (Priest) - Heals/DPS
Kataki (Warrior) - DPS/Tank
Orionia (Hunter) - DPS
Delphinus (Mage) - DPS
Isperia (Death Knight) - DPS/Tank
Seton (Druid) - Heals/DPS

azami, I am goin to do my best to have you actually dpsing.
Wulf and a guy from work named Brian. He just transferred a few characters over to play with us. His Character names are usually related to "Badger".

So... What days are we looking at for this?