
I get a mana free dot, on a 30 second cooldown. Bring on 2.3 I probably won't be much into Arena's though. Every dps class getting a buff, including free dispells...

10 to go
sweet! how about the s3 coming out then to? or r they delaying it? cause ill have the points to get the axe tuesday :D!
i just want the patch to come out so i can get my last 2 heroic keys and finish my nightbane book quest. i might go for the new libram you can buy with badges of justice that increase the healing of holy light .
I'm looking forward to it for Abital's sake. We can level her a little quicker so she can finally get into the Outlands.
more than that im sure, probably lots of issues and rolling restarts, and everyone will try out ZA and it will crash and wont be able to log onto that character for awhile:p
Well...it is here...now just waiting for our server to come up...but most likely it won't be until I have to leave for work...lol...
Patched is installed and I'm currently updating my mods. Fear Ward got gimped btw. Priests got the shaft. Last but not least monkeys can fly.
I want my whirly bird flying mount o death so I can terrorize the skies of outlands and bring fear to the evil minions assaulting Ogri'la!

Ok, maybe just terrorize flocks of low flying birds...