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  1. K

    Dream car

    I second that
  2. K

    Pray for my dear friend

    My fellow ToJ members and others, I have a dear friend that i used to work with that was in a bad car accident last night due to the horrible ice storm that we have been experiencing in the Mid-Atlantic. I have only just received the news and details are sketchy. What i know at this point is...
  3. K

    Pray for me

    Im praying for you Aim..knowing about how miserable sinus trouble is. Exodus is right about the bee pollen. What might work even better is trying to find honey that is made in the region that you live. The flowers that bees get their pollen from is probably alot of what you are allergic too...
  4. K

    Competition Team Announced

    This obviously would be down the road a bit, but it would give you time to get to know the guys and be a shoe-in for an invite for the next season.  The leagues is called Club Conflict (Club Conflict) and is an invite only league put on by my old clan at {US}East.  I participated in the first...
  5. K


    The nice thing about this plug-in is that it balances teams by skill, not necessarily by numbers. I have played several servers with this feature. Yes, it can have its quirks. For order to balance teams at times, it will kill someone that is alive in order to even the teams out...
  6. K

    Custom Maps

    Elite, My old clan, {US}East, has several different types of servers to choose from.  They really are a great bunch of guys and highly recommend their servers.  I cant say that there will be people on them at the time you want to play, but maybe you could be the one to jumpstart the server...
  7. K

    December 2003/January 2004 new members

    Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to all the fellow ToJ members. Although my full gaming name is listed as HongKebPhooey (yes, for all you older folks, it comes from one of the greatest cartoons ever made, Hong Kong Phooey) I usually play just as Keb. I will keep it short and...