December 2003/January 2004 new members

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all! I'm pleased to greet all those who have recently joined Tribe of Judah and wanted to give everyone an opportunity to introduce themselves on the forum. The forums are, in short, where it's at. We all play different games on different servers but we all share the same forums.

First and foremost, please take a few minutes to read our New Members Information Article. It includes all the information you'll need to start getting involved in ToJ.

Please note that this thread is not limited to those who joined just this last month or join during January. Since this is the first post of this type, anyone and everyone is welcome to introduce themselves to fellow ToJ members.

So, without further ado, let's hear from our new members!
Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to all the fellow ToJ members. Although my full gaming name is listed as HongKebPhooey (yes, for all you older folks, it comes from one of the greatest cartoons ever made, Hong Kong Phooey) I usually play just as Keb.

I will keep it short and sweet. I recently (Dec.) rededicated my life to Christ. I had no idea that there was such thing as a CGA, or Christian CS servers. A couple of days ago I just happened to see the ToJ server as I refreshed my Steam list. More proof that God is continuing to do wonders in my life.

Hope to see you all on the servers soon.
