Search results

  1. R

    SAGA MMORTS - looking for players

    Retired from Saga I am currently not playing Saga MMORTS. TJLG is still operating but I am no longer heading it up.
  2. R

    Saga - MMORTS

    Still playing Saga MMORTS. I am slowly turning the guilds I founded over to really active players. Ended up with several G rated guilds, but not "Christian" guilds. If you play look us up. My player names for both sides are Justice League and Wizard of Oz. Since it released in Europe the number...
  3. R

    Anyone play...

    I finally dropped out of Evony. Too much time! Lack of graphics and visible action was also an issue. Had fun with the players though. It is a multilevel economy which can get annoying as everyone is emailing you offers because they want free stuff when YOU pay real $$.
  4. R

    Anyone play...

    What world. I am on 18.
  5. R

    Anyone play...

    I play it daily. The ads threw me too at first and dismissed it as a lure for adolescent boys. They really need to drop those two or three ad pictures. The game has absolutley zero unsavory content. One drawback is they removed the language filter on chat. You can select chat channel so I leave...
  6. R

    Anyone play these games?

    Stronghold Cursader Lives! I play the 50 trail about once a year, just for old times sake. All my kids play it too.
  7. R

    Saga - MMORTS

    Greetings, Listen players, I need help with these players. I have a good group of players who are listening and talking about the Word of God. I have sown seed for two years now. Please read this link. If you are committed to great game play and God contact me...
  8. R

    This is why we need an Accounts Manager

    Why For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men. 2Corinthians 8:21 New International Version (©1984)
  9. R

    SAGA MMORTS - looking for players

    Just registered. Been looking for a place like this. My mission field is SAGA MMORTS. Not the 'game of the century' but the games are just tools to reach the players behind the character. I am looking for players who see online gaming as a purpose and not just a pastime. Halo is my favorite...
  10. R

    Scratching the MMO itch

    Not sure if you looking for this type or not. I've been playing SAGA MMORTS for a little over a year. Started in open beta. They have greatly improved the graphics. Server is stable almost all the time which was huge issue back in beginning ( I quite every Monday after frustrating weekend, lol)...