Anyone play...

Prophet Elhanan

New Member
Does anyone on here play Evony or Combat Arms? Matt, Adam, and a few more of my buddies have been playing Combat Arms and just started Evony. Combat Arms is ok but on the issue of FPS we are still looking for a really good purchase one. Battlefield 2 was ok but EA has really bad service.(Suggestions Are Welcome) Evony seems pretty cool, obviously not as good as Age of Empires III but it runs even when your not on so its kind of cool. Anyway just wondering if anybody is on those and wanted to team up.

Evony (RTS) free to play free, free browser based.

Combat Arms (FPS) free to play, free to download.

I have combat arms.. or at least I've downloaded it. it was alright, and I enjoyed it, but I haven't played in a while. As far as FPS go, I'm mainly with CS:S every now and again.
I used to play Combat Arms but got bored with it. I signed up for Evony last week but haven't played it yet.
There's something about Evony that makes me vaguely uncomfortable. The seductively dressed and posed females in all the ads and on the main site, with their "My Lord," reminds me too much of some of the more unsavory elements I've encountered in Second Life, I think.

I don't think they are even aware of the female gamer audience.
Yeah, that is what kept me from even trying Evony for awhile. Ive been playing it for a week now and the game has nothing to do with the ads. It is like Age of Empires, and a text based game like Mafia Wars combined. Its fun...for now. :D

I play it daily. The ads threw me too at first and dismissed it as a lure for adolescent boys. They really need to drop those two or three ad pictures. The game has absolutley zero unsavory content. One drawback is they removed the language filter on chat. You can select chat channel so I leave it on Alliance so I only see what my teamates are saying. I am in Lombardy alliance currently. Not thrilled with it, but it is a helpful and kind alliance. If someone is serious about commiting the game, and will use their gameplay to plant seeds of the gospel, I will begin a Christian alliance or if you have one already I will get with you.

On SAGA: The Justice League (guild) weekly proverb, contests, etc LOOKING FOR PLAYERS!
On Evony: Dudusrex (player) (three lage cities)
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I am in an alliance called EMPIRE2. We are an offshoot on EMPIRE (obviously). Its not a "Christian" Alliance so to say but there are several Christian in it including several members of SoE. Its kind of hard to find enough Christians in that game to for a stable all out Christian alliance, but we would love to have you join. My name on Evony is Elhanan. I am the leader of EMPIRE2. We are located primarily in Tuscany so feel free to port over and join in with us. Any help is always appreciated.

Also if anyone wants to know I have a clan in Combat Arms called The Company. Special not there are 2 [spaces] between The and Company. My name on it is 77Worley77 and the more active guy on Combat Arms is a friend of mine BillyBobsBat.

@Maid Mirawyn: I know what you mean. I started playing before their unsettling sexually-based ads appeared. I never did like the game anyway. Once you got out of protection phase and actually could attack other cities, there was never anyone around to actually attack. I sent nearly all of my in-game time attacking bot-controlled cities. I finally "picked a fight" with a neighboring player (who I had a truce with and enjoyed conversing with). I told him that I was planning on quitting, but would give him my resources...after he took them. He attacked 3 times and took everything I had. Nearly 300-350k of each resource. He said he was sad to see me go, but rather enjoyed the parting gift. In the end, it never really felt like a good game. Mind you, everyone's mileage will vary.
I finally gave up on Evony. Maybe I'll get into a FPS like FarCry2 or something. It doesn't look like GW2 will get released for some time so I'm going to try and get comfortable with something else. It's been kind of hard work finding a good online multiplayer game...

Aion is fun!! ;)

I am actually happy to pay the 15 dollars a month will fill the time till GW2 nicely.
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Happy to pay $15.00 a month? Wha wha whattt? lol ;) I'm thinking something more along the lines of a one time fee. I hate to buy a game, just to pay to play the game, so I can pay to play the game next month, so in the end I can pay for another game to...well you get the idea. :D

I hate to buy a game, just to pay to play the game, so I can pay to play the game next month, so in the end I can pay for another game to...

Of course, you either have to be crazy successful as a game dev company or not plan on creating any new content.

This sorta leads to a debate between Subscribers V. Microtransactions. I see both sides really. FTP + micro gets you casual players with the hardcores spending money to get uber items. The casual players don't think it's fair and move on. The subscribers everyone starts "equal" and goes from there, but there is a fee to play the game...that you already bought. Perhaps the solution is free software with a paid subscription. You're only paying to play the game...wait...
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I tried Evony last night. It wasn't what i expected. I expected a fighting style game similiar to GW, but it played a lot more like SimCity. Besides that the game didn't appear to have any sort of chat filter and the entire chat was just teens trying to act out cybersex routines. I don't think i'll be back.

I think I'll stick with GW for now. There are still a lot of goals ingame that I need to finish up before GW2 comes out and the game is still appealing to me. I guess what I miss most of all is pugging. I'd like to do some more dungeons and other Elite areas but nowadays it's just runners or UWSC. I won't buy a run and I haven't learned the SC build well enough to be accepted in groups. I miss balanced teams that fought together to accomplish a tough area.
I guess what I miss most of all is pugging. I'd like to do some more dungeons and other Elite areas...

Hit me up if you see me online. I'd love a good PUG or wade thru a dungeon. That's the joy of being in a Guild. You have Guildies who'll just run around with you. :D
I'm cool with the micro-transactions especially if there is a way to get those items in game...all be it with a lot more trouble than just buying it. However, I think GW has a pretty good model; Game expansions, pets, bank spaces, skills all for sale and if you don't want them the game can still be played and enjoyed just as it came when you first got it. A monthly fee though is just too much pressure to have to be on each month. As if getting on and going to the quest vending machine...I mean NPCs, isn't monotonous enough having to pay would make it feel even more so. Even if the game was set up perfectly and exciting each time you played, having to pay a monthly fee to play is going to feel more like a bill than a game.
I agree. I like GW's model. There are micro transactions but none of them are required. You can play a full game just as well without them.

The type of micro transactions that I've seen in other games turns me off. For example if GW went that route it would be something like this......

Finished the Prophecies campaign? Unlock Hard Mode - Only a $20 1 time fee!!
Explore Urgoz Warren and The Deep - Only 20 cents per entry
Explore Sorrow's Furnace - Only 10 cents per entry
Explore FOW/UW - Only 10 cents per entry or a $30 lifetime unlock for your account.
Brand New Cool Elite Armors. Unlock each set - only $2 per set.
5 Extra Heroes. Meet Vorta the Asuran (Mesmer), Sybil the Sylvari (Ele), Thor the Norn (Ranger), Mutari from Istan (Monk) and Randall from Ascalon. Each hero can be added to your characters for only $5 per hero.
New Super Powerful Weapons.....
Excalibur Sword Skin... Dmg: 18-30. $10 to unlock.
Titaninum Eagle Axe....Dmg: 10-30. $10 to unlock.
Lithium Hammer....Dmg: 22-45. $10 to unlock.
New Warlord Staff....Dmg: 15-25. $20 to unlock for all caster reqs.

Naturally these new powerful weapons would be required on your account for PvP or any pugs wishing to do PvE Elite areas. This sort of micro is common in most games and turns me off since they are pretty much required to compete.

Storage slots and hairstylists on the other hand I don't mind paying for.
Yes, still have a lot to finish in GW as well. I am just about to #10 max title. Have to finish up for the HoM before GW2.

Guild Wars is still exciting to me. I love to play and do a lot. I just want to have other options besides all the ones that you guys are talking about. And Aion IS fun and it is worth the 15 a month. I live with my whats 15 dollars a month to me? LoL :P I enjoy the jumping, the flipping, the flying, the quests are interesting. Learning to fight while flying is something I look forward to.

I don't have any other video game systems, play Left 4 Dead now and then and enjoy Aion and Guild Wars. It's good to have a break from GW now and then. So instead of buying a 400 dollar ps3 plus some 50-80 dollar games..I spread it out 15 dollars a month.

I'm not leaving Guild Wars. I'm not going to say 'it's boring' or 'It's no fun' like so many kids are saying atm and leaving. I still enjoy everything and am committed to staying with my Guild and ushering in GW2.