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  1. T

    Tribe of Judah turns 10 Wednesday, May 20

    This is awesome!!! I'm actually reinstalling WoW on my D420 I just got instead of an eee pc. (Although I still can't play but for a few mins every now and then). This guild rocks!!!!! I'm glad that ToJ is the light compared to ebonlore's dark when it commes to 10 yr guilds!
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    A horrible Christmas present and the actions thereafter

    it's amazing how much you can accomplish on a mmo and t.v. break ;-)
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    Taking a WOW break

    Hey ya'll. I'm taking a wow break for a few months. Too much is going on with just getting married and all and I don't want to concentrate on getting my druid his last 2 and 1/3 levels. (cause when i hit 80 i'll be all about getting him geared up!) I'm taking a few months off, but if i decide to...
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    Death Knight TOO evil for us?

    i just went resto/balance hybrid and will be full resto at 80
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    Death Knight TOO evil for us?

    ok, i'll check out the quest line. like i said, i didn't finish it. what really got me was the scene of a guy floating in mid air, then being judged "unworthy." a buch of undead/demons then poped out of the ground and ripped him apart with their hands as he fought back naked. idk, ... but the...
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    Stonemaul is full

    i was at 280ish last night. took 10 mins :/
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    don't support ebgames/gamestop

    no problems at all. i got mine at 12:01 and had fun dropping wow chat irl with the guys in line. and there were at least 100 of us, in the mall, at midnight, with 3 other midnight sales in out town. fun fun!
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    got master skinning and master herb, then logged off
  9. T

    Death Knight TOO evil for us?

    Welp, I rolled up a DK this morning, and I have to admit, the class is a bit disturbing. I have a lock so I know that blizzards quests and spells can be a bit offputting, but the DK seems even more evil, to the point of being satanic. There is a light hearted feel to everything in wow, even the...
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    Black Temple gets Redeemed

  11. T

    I know it's a sin, but I'm feeling some pride!

    As some of ya'll know, I normally go by Jet in most games, and I was the co-leader of Carnage with Cohh. I had to step down because I had to quit hardcore gaming right before we entered Warhammer due to RL issues. My fiancee also didnt like the language my guys had in vent. Well, my boys have...
  12. T

    Death Knights: an exhaustive discussion of race, spec, and profession.

    i've seen posts on reputable sites claiming that it would be logical to see the dk take over wow. one guy said he made it though 60-70 in outlands w/o ever getting below 90% health. there are 5 dk heroics and talks of dk only raids. have u seen nerfs that have limited the overpowered features...
  13. T

    Me irl and my fiancee

    Hey ya'll. My fiancee's and my engagement announcement went live today on the local newspaper web site. We are Phillips, Thigpen. It will be good at least for a week and then prolly archived. woot woot!
  14. T

    Name change

    awesome!!! I went ahead with Tranq. Thanks for your input! I'll save the others for alts! :-)