Death Knight TOO evil for us?

You all Know I am kind of Evil I think that is why I am playing the Death Knight. I mean how many times did I say to people go kill that and watched you all die.... :D
OP and awesome!!

my DK might acually be my new main.

i'm really enjoying the play style of them. that and the fact i dont have to stop killing things to health or mana up! it fits my A-D-D quite well..
You know what is evil? and also slightly OP

I also love my DK. It's nice to be able to solo without much worry about total annihilation. They are a perfect combination of tank and dps. Since they are supposed to be a hero class, shouldn’t they be OP compared to regular subhuman classes?

To handle the dark side of the DK quest line, I turned down my ambient sound and just read and did the quests. It was very enjoyable and now only 18 more levels to go. WTB rested XP!!!
ok, i'll check out the quest line. like i said, i didn't finish it. what really got me was the scene of a guy floating in mid air, then being judged "unworthy." a buch of undead/demons then poped out of the ground and ripped him apart with their hands as he fought back naked. idk, ... but the fact that they are redeemed and have a happy ending makes me feel alot better.

and the OP question? there is no comparison in how they are at 60 and 80. It's kinda cool how they balanced it to give them a fun OP few levels to get people excited before the diminishing returns start. they are already evened out at 70 for pvp imo.
Since they are supposed to be a hero class, shouldn’t they be OP compared to regular subhuman classes?
If that were the case then why would people want to play the other classes?

The new classes or races that come with expansions have to be better to some extent to make people want to buy the expansion. With WoW it is more of a bonus to get to play a death night than it is a driving force to get the expansion, as you have to level 10 more levels in order to stay competitive, which is more important.
i'm at a stand still on witch toon i wanna level. i like the hunter, and i dont mean to brag(please let me know if i'm wrong) but i'm quite good with it. i'm in love with my shammy right now, the plan was to make it healing spec even tho he has been DPS all the way threw. then there is the DK. so far i'm not very good with it at all, but i would love to spec it as a tank to have for end game.

like i said right now i'm stuck. i wanna level what the guild will need in the long run so i might acually lean twards the healer since there is rarely a short number of DPS.


Id level your shami as elemental and then deside when you hit 80 if you want to go resto or not. With the gear changes for casters that occured in LK you should be able heal or offheal any 5 man dungeon as an elemental. Thanks to our totems and Water Shield wed probably have less mana issues than any other hyprid class that is dps specced and healing for a run. I know for myself I leveled in BC elemental then went resto for the guild. Rarely ever got used for raid healing (my hunter was needed much more for pulls/dps), so I went back to elemental. She will probably be my next toon I level to 80 (shes an engineer so I can really use her new arrows/bullets) and when I hit 80 I will deside then if she will go resto or stay elemental.
masta is sitting at 79 right now n i'm thinking when i get him to 80 i'm gonna work on my DK. i really wanna get some nice PvP gear for him and /pwnt3hn00bs

it might be fun
Finally - something I can take down in PvP on my mage! With the fire talent tree's new stuns, and the DK's limited ability to counter them, my stuns and firepower easy take down most horde DKs.
Oh, by the way - can someone remind me how I can get my little character tag to update? It still says lvl 70, and I'd like to add my alts...
like i said right now i'm stuck. i wanna level what the guild will need in the long run so i might acually lean twards the healer since there is rarely a short number of DPS.

looking over the roster, we are short healers.