don't support ebgames/gamestop

i got wardialed by Gamestop yesterday saying they were having a launch party starting at 10pm tonight. Wouldn't it be a hoot if they didn't have copies of the game? :D
yeah, i called one of the stores and the line they give is that the stores are completely separate from the website...
Gamestop was on the ball tonight, they had everyone pre-pay for everything before midnight and stamped their receipts so when the clock struck midnight everyone ran through the line.

Much better than the BC opening.
yeah, gamestop was great! the only bummer was our local store had a server crash, so they had to do the credit cards by hand. fortunately wall paid up front, so we grabed ours and ran! But there were 300-400 poor people behind us who i'm sure are still out in the fog...
no problems at all. i got mine at 12:01 and had fun dropping wow chat irl with the guys in line. and there were at least 100 of us, in the mall, at midnight, with 3 other midnight sales in out town. fun fun!
I was actually talking to some Gamestop employees, and there was a big problem with the CE Pre-orders. The 2 frys stores in my area, both had some Blizz developers at the midnight opening to sign games and such. Both the stores got 2000 copies of the CE edition. Blizz said that they knew that they were not going to have enough CE copies to cover the preorders, after they got the ones to frys.